Authentication and Key Distribution Dawn Song dawnsong cs berkeley edu 1 Review Hash functions Different cryptographic properties MAC functions Digital signatures 2 Obtaining Public Key Public key encryption and digital signature both require knowing the mapping name pub key Why How do we obtain this mapping securely 3 Public key Infrastructure One approach the big directory white pages Need to make secure big directory Need to keep it updated Better approach allow one party to attest to another Public key infrastructure PKI Public key certificate PKC Certificate authority CA Check the root CAs and certificates in browser 4 PKI Terminology PKI Public Key Infrastructure CA Certificate Authority similar to TTP Trusted Third Party in symmetric key protocols A public key certificate or simply certificate binds a name to a public key Certificate repository stores certificates Trust anchor certificates of public keys that are trusted to sign other certificates 5 Sample Certificate Certificate Data Version v3 0x2 Serial Number 3 0x3 Signature Algorithm PKCS 1 MD5 With RSA Encryption Issuer OU Ace Certificate Authority O Ace Industry C US Validity Not Before Fri Oct 17 18 36 25 1997 Not After Sun Oct 17 18 36 25 1999 Subject CN Jane Doe OU Finance O Ace Industry C US Subject Public Key Info Algorithm PKCS 1 RSA Encryption Public Key Modulus 00 ca fa 79 98 8f 19 f8 d7 de e4 49 80 48 e6 2a 2a 86 ed 27 40 4d 86 b3 05 c0 01 bb 50 15 c9 de dc 85 19 22 43 7d 45 6d 71 4e 17 3d f0 36 4b 5b 7f a8 51 a3 a1 00 98 ce 7f 47 50 2c 93 36 7c 01 6e cb 89 06 41 72 b5 e9 73 49 38 76 ef b6 8f ac 49 bb 63 0f 9b ff 16 2a e3 0e 9d 3b af ce 9a 3e 48 65 de 96 61 d5 0a 11 2a a2 80 b0 7d d8 99 cb 0c 99 34 c9 ab 25 06 a8 31 ad 8c 4b aa 54 91 f4 15 Public Exponent 65537 0x10001 Extensions Identifier Certificate Type Critical no Certified Usage SSL Client Identifier Authority Key Identifier Critical no Key Identifier f2 f2 06 59 90 18 47 51 f5 89 33 5a 31 7a e6 5c fb 36 26 c9 Signature Algorithm PKCS 1 MD5 With RSA Encryption Signature 6d 23 af f3 d3 b6 7a df 90 df cd 7e 18 6c 01 69 8e 54 65 fc 06 30 43 34 d1 63 1f 06 7d c3 40 a8 2a 82 c1 a4 83 2a fb 2e 8f fb f0 6d ff 75 a3 78 f7 52 47 46 62 97 1d d9 c6 11 0a 02 a2 e0 cc 2a 75 6c 8b b6 9b 87 00 7d 7c 84 76 79 ba f8 b4 d2 62 58 c3 c5 b6 c1 43 ac 63 44 42 fd af c8 0f 2f 38 85 6d d6 59 e8 41 42 a5 4a e5 26 38 ff 32 78 a1 38 f1 ed dc 0d 31 d1 b0 6d 67 e9 46 a8 dd c4 6 Today s PKI Hierarchy Verisign KV CNN CNN KCNN K Yahoo Yahoo KY K 1 V EBay EBay KE K 1 V 1 V USPS KU Carol C KC K U 1 Dave D KD K U 1 7 PKI Models continued Anarchy model PGP s web of trust Proposed by Phil Zimmermann in 1992 8 Authentication and Key Establishment Protocols Client C and Server S want to securely communicate with each other Each knows the other s public key How Public key encryption is much more expensive than symmetric key encryption Establish session key shared secret for the session How 9 Example Needham Schroeder Protocol Nc C KS Nc Ns KC Client C Server S Ns KS KS KC are public keys of S and C respectively Goal Mutual authentication C S S C Shared secret Nc Ns 10 What May Go Wrong Desired security property Confidentiality Integrity Authenticity 11 Protocol Analysis Analyze high level security properties Secrecy Authentication Atomicity Non repudiation Assume cryptographic primitives secure Signature secure against existential forgery Public key Private key encryption secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack Security protocols are notoriously hard to get right 12 Active Attacker An active attacker may Eavesdrop on previous protocol runs even on protocol runs by other principals replay messages at a later time Inject messages into the network e g fabricated from pieces of previous messages Alter or delete a principal s messages Initiate multiple parallel protocol sessions Run dictionary attack on passwords Run exhaustive attack on low entropy nonce 13 Intruder Model Intruder can Intercept drop generate messages full control of network Collude with malicious parties Client D Client A Server Y Client B Server X Client C 14 Flaw in Needham Schroeder Nc C KE Client C Nc C KS Nc Ns KC Nc Ns KC Ns KE E Server S Ns KS Flaw discovered 18 years after publication Authentication C E S C Secrecy E knows Nc Ns How to fix it The second message should be S Nc Ns K C 15 SSL TLS Goal Perform secure e commerce across Internet Secure bank transactions Secure online purchases Secure web login e g Blackboard Security requirements Secrecy to prevent eavesdroppers to learn sensitive information Entity and message authentication to prevent message alteration injection 16 Position of Security in Protocol Stack Hourglass DNS HTTP SMTP TCP UDP Application Layer Transport Layer IP Network Layer 802 3 MAC Data Link Layer Ethernet Physical Layer SSH PGP SSL TLS IPsec 17 SSL History SSL Secure Sockets Layer protocol SSL v1 Designed by Netscape never deployed SSL v2 Deployed in Netscape Navigator 1 1 in 1995 SSL v3 Substantial overhaul fixing security flaws publicly reviewed TLS Transport Layer Security protocol TLS v1 IETF standard improving on v3 18 5 min Break Wait list In class final Dec 10 19 Discrete Logarithm Problem Public values large prime p generator g ga mod p x Discrete logarithm problem given x g and p find a Table g 2 p 11 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ga 2 4 8 5 10 9 7 3 6 1 Number field sieve is fastest algorithm known today to solve discrete logarithm problem Running time O e 1 923 o 1 ln p 1 3 ln ln p 2 3 nth element 1st element Cyclic Group G Generator 1 2 3 x 20 CDH and DDH Computational Diffie Hellman CDH Assumption Given large prime p generator g x ga mod p y gb mod p it is difficult to compute gab mod p Decisional Diffie Hellman DDH Assumption Given large prime p generator g x ga mod p y gb mod p z gr mod p it is difficult to determine whether z gab mod p 21 Diffie Hellman Key Agreement Public values large prime p generator g Alice picks secret random value a Bob picks secret random value b Protocol generate shared key gab ga Alice gb Bob 22
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