AAMU FED 529 - Introduction to Integrating Technology in Education

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Teachers Discovering Computers Integrating Technology in the Classroom 3rd Edition Chapter 1 Introduction to Integrating Technology in Education CHAPTER 1 OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between computer information and integration literacy Define and describe computers and their functions Identify the major components of a computer Explain the four operations of the information processing cycle input process output and storage 2 CHAPTER 1 OBJECTIVES Explain how speed reliability accuracy storage and communications enable computers to be powerful tools Differentiate among the various categories of software Explain the purpose of a network Discuss the uses of the Internet and the World Wide Web 3 CHAPTER 1 OBJECTIVES Explain why computer technology is important for education Describe the National Educational Technology Standards NETS T for Teachers Provide examples of how computers are changing the way people teach and learn 4 CURRICULUM SPECIFIC LEARNING Learning how to apply teaching principles knowledge and ideas to authentic and practical classroom lessons and projects that can benefit your students 5 COMPUTER INFORMATION AND INTEGRATION LITERACY Computer literacy Knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses Information literacy Knowing how to find analyze and use information Integration literacy The ability to use computers and other technologies combined with a variety of teaching and learning strategies 6 Computers are present in every aspect of daily living in the workplace at home in the classroom and for entertainment 7 WHAT IS A COMPUTER AND WHAT DOES IT DO An electronic machine that can accept data input manipulate the data according to specified rules process produce results output and store the results for future use 8 WHAT IS A COMPUTER AND WHAT DOES IT DO Data collection of unorganized facts Information organized data Input data entered into a computer Processing activity of organizing data Output processed results from a computer 9 WHAT IS A COMPUTER AND WHAT DOES IT DO Storage holding data and information for future use Information processing cycle the cycle of input process output and storage User a person who communicates with the computer Hardware the physical equipment that makes up the computer Software a series of instructions that tells the hardware how to perform tasks 10 Processing data into information 11 THE COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER Variety of hardware components that work together with software to carry perform calculations organize data and communicate with other computers 12 THE COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER Input devices Output devices System unit Storage devices Communications devices 13 14 15 PERSONAL COMPUTERS A computer designed for use by one person at a time 16 MOBILE COMPUTERS AND MOBILE DEVICES Mobile Computers Notebook computer Tablet PC Mobile Devices Handheld Computer PDA Smart Phones 17 WHY IS A COMPUTER SO POWERFUL Speed Reliability Accuracy Storage Communications Network Electronic mail 18 The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links together millions of business the government educational institutions and individuals 19 COMPUTER SOFTWARE Computer programs A series of instructions that tells the hardware of a computer what to do and how to do it Stored on various storage media Installing programs Running programs 20 When you buy software you receive media such as a CD ROMs or a DVD ROM that contains the software program 21 22 COMPUTER SOFTWARE System software Operating system Microsoft Windows Mac OS 23 COMPUTER SOFTWARE System software User interface Graphical user interface GUI Microsoft Windows Mac OS 24 COMPUTER SOFTWARE System software Utility programs Application software 25 COMPUTER SOFTWARE Application software Software suites Word Processing Spreadsheet Database Presentation graphics Communication AppleWorks is a popular suite used by teachers and students primarily on Macintosh computers 26 COMPUTER SOFTWARE Application software Packaged software Packaged software is available at computer stores office equipment suppliers retailers 27 and the Internet COMPUTER SOFTWARE Application software Custom software Shareware freeware and public domain software Software development Computer Programmers Systems Analyst 28 NETWORKS AND THE INTERNET Network A collection of computers and devices connected together via communications media and devices Local area network LAN Wide area network WAN 29 A local area network LAN enables two separate computers to share the same printer 30 A wide area network WAN can be quite large and complex connecting users in offices around the country 31 NETWORKS AND THE INTERNET The Internet World s largest network E mail Information Shopping Meeting people Entertainment 32 33 NETWORKS AND THE INTERNET Internet Service Provider ISP Online Service World Wide Web WWW Web pages Web site Web browser 34 35 WHY USE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Technology is everywhere Technology can support learning Computers support communications beyond classroom walls Support of national and international organizations 36 The ISTE technology standards and performance indicators provide a framework for implementing technology in teaching and learning 37 AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ONE SCHOOL USES COMPUTERS Ridgedale High School All computers on a local area network Three labs of 30 computers each PC and Macintosh Internet connection in each classroom 38 Ridgedale High School s Web site allows teachers students and parents to have direct access to extensive and up to date school related information 39 AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ONE SCHOOL USES COMPUTERS Superintendent Technology plan Committee members can access the plan remotely 40 AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ONE SCHOOL USES COMPUTERS Principal Sending several email messages to teachers and staff Overseeing technology purchases and implementation 41 AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ONE SCHOOL USES COMPUTERS School secretary Automated phone system Database software Desktop publishing 42 AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ONE SCHOOL USES COMPUTERS Technology coordinator Supporting systems Problem solving 43 AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ONE SCHOOL USES COMPUTERS Cafeteria manager Purchasing and inventory Enrollment in school lunch program 44 AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ONE SCHOOL USES COMPUTERS Media specialist Maintains online catalog Creates classroom activities Runs media center 45 AN EXAMPLE OF HOW ONE SCHOOL USES COMPUTERS Teachers Create classroom presentations Research assignments Group laptop computers Monitor student

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AAMU FED 529 - Introduction to Integrating Technology in Education

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