DePaul TDC 375 - IP

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Network Protocols Internet Protocol IP TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 1 Basic properties Connectionless service w o anything else its one way fire and forget no reliability performance or security guarantee Its relatively simple its the thin waist remember You can add some features to it installed base makes this extremely difficult You can easily add features below or above with varying degrees of success benefit harm TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 2 What does IP do for us Abstracts multiple and various data link nets below Provides a common global standard format it is glue we can use to connect things together Hardware application and packet independence Scalable routing mostly so far anyway TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 3 IPv4 Widely implemented and successful our primary focus for practical reasons Well known for limited address size Originally specified in IETF RFC 791 updated only slightly ToS DiffServ with some BCPs in implementation operation TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 4 IPv6 Basically an IPv4 tweak bigger addresses 32 bit 128 bit simplified header 4 x the address size but only 2 x header size Becoming increasingly common particular regions of the world e g Asia Pacific Comcast T Mobile There will be implementation challenges e g new bugs management issues TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 5 IP versions less than v4 See IANA IP Version numbers currently unassigned or reserved But also see RFC 790 and IEN 117 for history closely integrated with early TCP TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 6 IPv5 Experimental never widely deployed Service guarantees through network state Motivated by voice apps Includes multicast support Do you see recurring design challenges TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 7 IP versions greater than v6 See IANA IP version numbers TP IX PIP TUBA original competing IP ng designs note TUBA had IP replaced with CLNP see RFC 1752 for some discussion TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 8 Please note As of this writing and likely for some time there are no serious practical alternatives to IP versions 4 or 6 TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 9 The IPv4 datagram header TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 10 Inside an IPv4 header Version field 0100 in binary Header length length of IP header in 32 bit words 4 octets typically set to 5 as in 5 4 octets 20 bytes Type of Service ToS DiffServ an indication of quality class of service rarely used with success outside a single AS TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 11 IPv4 header continued Explicit Congestion Notification ECN signals congestion by marking packet as opposed to dropping Total length total IP datagram length in octets maximum value is 65535 but rarely 1500 Identification to identify fragments of a single IP datagram has had other operational research use TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 12 Still inside an IPv4 header Flags bit 0 reserved others for fragmentation handling DF MF Fragment offset helps piece together fragments Time to live TTL limts the number of router hops datagram incurs counts down to zero at zero it is discarded TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 13 End of an IPv4 header Protocol type indicates next upper layer protocol in payload does it have to be an upper layer Header checksum Source Destination address used to verify header validity at each hop 32 bit addresses Options optional duh little use today padded to 32 bit boundary TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 14 The IPv6 datagram header TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 15 Inside an IPv6 header Version IPv4 version DiffServ ECN IPv4 DiffServ ECN ToS formerly called traffic class Flow label not widely used could be used to differentiate route traffic Payload length self explanatory no TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 16 End of IPv6 header Next header IPv4 Protocol Hop Limit IPv4 TTL Specifies next protocol or option Name better describes its usage Source Destination address IPv4 addresses 128 bit addresses TDC375 Autumn 2010 11 John Kristoff DePaul University 17

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DePaul TDC 375 - IP

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