AMERICAN RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINORITIES Fall 2008 University of Wisconsin Madison Sociology 134 Section 2 2 25pm 3 15pm MWF in 6104 Social Sciences Building Instructor Martine Delannay mcdelannay wisc edu 608 262 7315 Office and Office Hours 8142 Social Science 3 30 4 30 Monday Wednesday COURSE SUMMARY This course provides a sociological approach to race and ethnicity in which we consider race and ethnicity as social constructs that permeate social life are entrenched in social structures and institutions and shift over time and space We will examine the particular historical and contemporary ways in which race and ethnicity are made meaningful in the United States COURSE READINGS The texts are listed below Copies are on reserve at the Social Science Reference Library and the College Library Reserves Books are available for purchase at A Room of One s Own 307 W Johnson Street 257 7888 and Rainbow Bookstore Cooperative 426 W Gilman St 257 6050 Rethinking the Color Line Readings in Race and Ethnicity 3rd edition edited by Charles A Gallagher The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin Night by Elie Wiesel Additional readings online at course reserves Sign in to MyUW Click on the Academics Tab Click on Library Reserves under our course Course Requirements Reading Analyses 60 6 reading analyses are required for the course Each is worth 10 of your final grade Please be sure to credit sources you use Responses should be about 750 words and should be submitted via www turnitin com The class ID is 2333760 and the password is soc134 Quizzes 25 5 quizzes are required for the course Each quiz is worth 5 of your final grade The quizzes will be short essay responses to questions based on lectures discussions videos and guest presentations since the previous quiz Quizzes will be administered in class on the dates listed on the syllabus Film Analyses 15 2 film analyses are required for the course Each analysis is worth 7 5 of your final grade Analyses should be based on the videos we watch in class and should be sociological Please use readings to support your arguments They should be about 750 words and should be submitted via www turnitin com Final Grade A 93 100 AB 88 92 B 83 87 BC 78 82 C 70 77 D 60 69 F below 60 Topic and Reading Schedule Week 1 Wed 9 3 Fri 9 5 How We Cut Up Our Social World RCL pp 1 3 Introduction Rethinking the Color Line The Social Construction of Race and Ethnicity RCL pp 21 28 Racial Formations by Omi and Winant RCL pp 85 91 Placing Race in Context by Rodriguez and Cordero Guzman Soc 134 Syllabus 1 Week 2 Mon 9 8 Race Ethnic Inequalities in Post Secondary Education Guest presenter Megan Andrew Wed 9 10 Film I Am a Promise The Children of Stanton Elementary School RCL pp 280 289 Savage Inequalities by Kozol Fri 9 12 Some Theories RCL pp 29 45 Theoretical Perspectives in Race and Ethnic Relations by Feagin and Feagin RCL pp 46 55 Racialized Social System Approach to Racism by Bonilla Silva RCL pp 169 175 Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position by Blumer RCL pp 176 184 Discrimination and the American Creed by Merton Reading Analysis 1 due by midnight Saturday 9 13 Week 3 Mon 9 15 Who is What Film Race The Power of an Illusion The House We Live In RCL pp 9 20 Drawing the Color Line by Zinn Online How Did Jews Become White Folks by Brodkin Online Everybody s Ethnic Enigma by McLeod Online Who is Black One Nation s Definition by Davis Wed 9 17 How Space Gets Raced Film Race The Power of an Illusion The House We Live In RCL pp 201 214 The Possessive Investment in Whiteness by Lipsitz RCL pp 224 250 Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Conditions by Massey and Denton RCL pp 251 261 The Code of the Streets by Anderson RCL pp 56 68 An Overview of Trends in Social and Economic Well Being by Race by Blank RCL pp 80 85 Transformative Assets the Racial Wealth Gap and the American Dream by Shapiro Fri 9 19 Panel Asian American Collective RCL pp 113 122 Asian American Panethnicity by Espiritu Week 4 Mon 9 22 Quiz 1 Wed 9 24 Presentation UNIDOS Contra la Violencia Domestica Fri 9 26 Intersections Race Ethnicity Gender Class Sexuality Segment from People Like Us Social Class in America RCL pp 214 223 The Continuing Significance of Race by Feagin Online Americans Have a Different Attitude by Espiritu Online To Veil or Not to Veil by Read Bartkowski Online Double Lives on the Down Low by Denizet Lewis Soc 134 Syllabus 2 Week 5 Mon 9 29 Mexico US Migration Online March of Folly U S Immigration Policy After NAFTA by Massey Online Theories of International Migration A Review and Appraisal by Massey et al Wed 10 1 The Great Immigration Debate and its Racialized Ethnicized Implications Online America s Changing Color Lines Immigration Race Ethnicity and Multiracial Identification by Lee and Bean RCL pp 477 498 The Changing Face of America by Zhou Fri 10 3 Language Reading Analysis 2 due by midnight Saturday 10 4 Week 6 Mon 10 6 Film Wed 10 8 Race Online Guest presenter Cabell Gathman Online Race In For Cyberspace Identity Tourism and Racial Passing on the Internet by Lisa Nakamura Fri 10 10 Quiz 2 Film Analysis 1 due by midnight Saturday 10 11 Week 7 Mon 10 13 Wed 10 15 In 1492 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue RCL pp 92 112 A Tour of Indian Peoples and Indian Lands by Wilkins Online Real Indians Identity and the Survival of Native America by Garroutte Identity Online Optional Ethnicities For Whites Only by Waters Online Race and the Construction of Human Identity by Smedley Online The Evolution of Identity from the Washington Post Online Whiteness as an Unmarked Cultural Category by Frankenberg Fri 10 17 Muslim Student Association Panel Online Middle Eastern Lives in America by Marvasti and McKinney RCL pp 498 517 The Arab Immigrant Experience by Suleiman Reading Analysis 3 due by midnight Saturday 10 18 Week 8 Mon 10 20 Wed 10 22 Who Works Where and Why RCL pp 349 350 Kristin v Aisha Brad v Rasheed by Braverman RCL pp 350 362 When the Melting Pot Boils Over by Waldinger RCL pp 363 378 There s No Shame in My Game by Newman and Ellis RCL pp 379 398 Sweatshops in Sunset Park by Bao RCL pp 398 414 Hispanics in the American South by Kandel and Parrado Workers Rights Center speaker Soc 134 Syllabus 3 Fri 10 24 Week 9 Mon 10 27 Quiz 3 Race and Health Unnatural Causes by California Newsreel RCL pp 69 79 The Color of Health in the United States by Williams and Collins RCL pp 290 299 Why Are There No Supermarkets in My Neighborhood by Zenk The
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