CU-Boulder THTR 3011 - THTR Research Paper Notes

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Julia Lamb THTR 3011 Midterm Research Paper Tips of the Day 1 Forever Plaid is a musical revue not a jukebox musical 2 A jukebox musical does not have to be based on a single group or composer for example Priscilla Queen of the Desert genre of music 3 Johnny Cash s Ring of Fire is not a jukebox musical I What is a jukebox musical Take a paragraph or two to discuss this Merriam Webster definition a musical that features popular songs from the past Sometimes the plot will actually be the story of the band musician whose music is being used http tvtropes org pmwiki pmwiki php Main JukeboxMusical Collins English Dictionary definition A musical play or film that is based around a series of well known popular songs Ken Davenport definition a jukebox musical is an original stage musical not based on a film that uses previously released popular songs that have no direct relation to the story as its musical score http kendavenport typepad com my weblog 2008 01 the definition html a Characteristics of a jukebox musical i Contains songs written by one band or group of people as the musical score for the entire musical http www kenlyen com gpage65 html ii The lyrics of the original songs being used cannot be changed http www kenlyen com gpage65 html iii Uses existing well known music Jukebox Musical The State and Prospects by Olga Lisa Monde iv Causes nostalgia to its viewers and recognizes creative achievements of outstanding musicians composers songwriters and singers Monde v Revue a show based on a theme where original songs are written to a unifying subject usually devoid of story or if present the plot is usually very weak http www kenlyen com gpage65 html definition from class mixes song dance and comedy together and has a single songwriter vi Jukebox musicals that draw from a broader swath of material as opposed to the work of a particular group or songwriter find themselves at an automatic disadvantage in terms of cohesion Rather than a specific melodic voice these shows take their cues from any and every song that may have charted during a particular era http www nysun com arts true jukebox musical from amessy decade 36896 vii The importance of these jukebox musical productions for the world of music history is essential they not only perpetuate the memory of some famous composers singers musicians librettists and lyricists but also carefully preserve musical and vocal styles in relation to a particular historical period http journaldatabase org articles jukeboxmusical state prospects html b The main differences between a Jukebox Musical and an integrated book musical are that an integrated book musical demonstrates a solid integration of text song and dance incorporating a novel into the musical and sticking to the storyline of that novel Show Boat is considered the first attempt at an integrated book musical c The main differences between a Jukebox Musical and a revue are that a revue mixes song dance and comedy together and usually has a single songwriter A revue can also have less of a plot than an integrated book musical or a Jukebox Musical because it is more about the entertainment aspect with or without a meaningful plot It is usually just something that people will love d The main differences between a Jukebox Musical and a concept album are that a concept album is an album that is unified by a theme The theme can be instrumental compositional narrative or lyrical A concept album is usually made with a preconceived theme in mind rather than just being II III IV created in a studio Create a list of 3 Jukebox Musicals they must have originated as stage musicals a Movin Out Billy Joel b Mamma Mia ABBA c Priscilla Queen of the Desert specific genre not an artist d Come Fly Away Frank Sinatra I ll finish this part when I m done with part 2

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