U of M BBE 3002 - Introduction to Engineering Design syllabus

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Course Syllabus BBE 3002 Introduction to Engineering Design 3 cr Fall Course Description Introduction to identify formulate develop and complete openended engineering designs in bioproducts and biosystems engineering at the conceptual level to understand and apply engineering economics principles for the design project to understand and apply the safety health considerations and engineering ethics for the design project Design projects involving written graphical and oral presentations Prerequisites Math 1271 or Math 1371 Chem 1021 BBE lower division soph or upper division jr students fr writing req or instr consent Class Schedule and Locations Lecture MW 01 55 pm 02 45 pm 106 BAE Building St Paul Lab M W 03 00 pm 05 00 pm 105 BAE Building St Paul Grading System Two exams during the semester Open Book Homeworks and Lab Assignments Design Project including oral presentation and written report 40 30 30 Text Class Notes References to be kept in St Paul campus library Madara Ogot Gul Okudan Kremer Engineering design a practical guide Togo Press LLC 2004 544 pages Product Process Design Principles Synthesis Analysis and Design 3th Ed Warren D Seider J D Seader Daniel R Lewin Soemantri Widagdo Wiley 3 edition December 22 2008 Kangas P C Ecological Engineering Principles and Practice Lewis Publishers 2004 Mitsch W J and S E Jorgenson Ecological Engineering and Restoration Ecology 2003 van Andel J and J Aronson Restoration Ecology Blackwell Publishing 2006 Cussler E L Moggridge G D 2001 Chemical Product Design Cambridge University Press Blank L T Tarquin A J 1989 Engineering Economy Third Edition McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1 Felder R M Rousseau R W 2000 Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes Wiley Perry R H and Chilton C H 1984 Chemical Engineers Handbook 6th Edition McGraw Hill New York References in Food Engineering Martin M and Schinzinger R 2009 Introduction to Engineering Ethics 2rd Edition McGraw Hill Higher Education Boston Whitbeck C and Flowers W C 1998 Ethics in Engineering Practice and Research Cambridge University Press New York Course Objectives 1 Introduce the design process including problem formulation creativity alternative solutions decision criteria functional and economic evaluation and implementation 2 Introduce concepts related to effective teams 3 Apply the design process to a problem from the field of bioproducts and biosystems engineering in the form of a team design project 4 Introduce principles of engineering economics for comparing the economic feasibility of alternatives and apply these principles in the design project 5 Introduce principles of safety analysis applied to design and apply them in the design project 6 Introduce principles of engineering ethics applied to design and apply them in the design project 7 Introduce the principles of engineering design tools and their applications in design 8 Provide opportunities for oral and written presentations of engineering work in the context of the design project Topics 1 Introduction to engineering design principles and design process 2 Design process teamwork projects 3 Safety in design 4 Engineering economics principles and applications in design 5 Engineering ethics and applications in design 6 Introduction to engineering design tools and applications 7 Introduction to computational programming tool such as Matlab with applications 8 Presentations Powerpoint 2 Course Structure tentative Week 1 Lec Introduction and Course Overview 2 Lec Intro to engineering design Lec Intro to engineering design Lab Into to the Lab and overview Lec Design Process team work and projects Examples for the engineering design Lab 3 Lec Lab Design process Lec Lab Design Process Project assignments to the students and review of all the projects 4 Lec Creation of a design Introduction to computational programming tool and applications Lec Environmental considerations Lab Introduction to computational programming tool and applications Lab 5 Lec Lab 6 Lec Lab Engineering Safety Lec in design Introduction to Lab computational programming tool and applications Engineering Safety Lec in design Introduction to Lab computational programming tool and applications Engineering Safety in design Introduction to computational programming tool and applications Engineering Safety in design Introduction to computational programming tool and applications 7 Lec Lab Engineering ethics Introduction to computational programming tool and applications Lec Lab Engineering ethics Introduction to computational programming tool and applications 8 Lec Mid Term Review of Design Project Progress Lec Mid Term Review of Design Project Progress Lab Introduction to Lab Introduction to engineering design 3 engineering design tools and applications 9 tools and applications Lec Engineering Economics and Applications Lec Engineering Economics and Applications Lab Introduction to engineering design tools and applications Lab Introduction to engineering design tools and applications Engineering Economics and Applications Lec Engineering Economics and Applications Introduction to engineering design tools and applications Lab Introduction to engineering design tools and applications Engineering Economics and Applications Lec Engineering Economics and Applications Introduction to engineering design tools and applications Lab Introduction to engineering design tools and applications Principles of Statistics and Applications in Design Design Project development Lec Principles of Statistics and Applications in Design Lab Design Project development Design Project development Design Project development Lec Design Project development Lab Design Project development Design Project development Design Project development Lec Design Project development Lab Design Project development Oral presentation Oral presentation Lec Lec Oral presentation Oral presentation 10 Lec Lab 11 Lec Lab 12 Lec Lab 13 Lec Lab 14 Lec Lab 15 Lec Lab 4 Due to enrollment and lab capacity this will be taught in two lab sessions Depending on the emphasis area students can choose to participate in one of the two lab sections dealing with engineering design tool and its applications process and product HiSys or other equivalent design tool or environment and ecology Geographic Information System GIS 5

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U of M BBE 3002 - Introduction to Engineering Design syllabus

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