Instructor Interview

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Andy Macedo Ms Ellefson Instructor Interview 2 11 13 Mr Burgure The e is silent Mr Burgure murmured as he sat down behind his desk four small walls surrounding us in his Stadium office Initially I remembered to the first day of class when he was chatting about how ridiculed and made fun of he was as a kid so I commented Cool last name He laughed and got situated with his bag and computer I looked around the room and saw that it was relatively small with boxes all around me and a picture of his kids on his desk Thanks for picking me this should be interesting He politely said while looking at his computer The first question I asked right of the bat was where Mr Burgure went to college and what was his major He half yawned and answered Colby College in Waterville Main with a major in English He described that he really like the college and town surrounding it and that it was a pretty big deal for him in his position to go to college in the first place Mr Burgure also went on to explain his minors and his master s degree I minored in Creative Writing and Science and Technology He said I immediately answered with Why Science and Technology He then explained how he was always a techy guy and very much influenced by the technology around him but he knew he was always going to be a writer and go on to teach writing It was just a hobby of mine Mr Burgure concluded Did you have any other hobbies I asked curiously He went on to talk about how he used to snowboard and skate a bunch in college which really perked my ears up No way I said He nodded and told me more about how he used to go up 7 8 times a season and used to skate to class everyday I do that same thing right now I said with enthusiasm I definitely never would ve guessed he was a snowboarder and it was cool to find that out We then switched back to his academics and to how he ended up here at CU He told me he always loved to study writing and he got to get his masters in creative writing He told me he was more on the composition side of creative writing because it was non fiction and More intriguing After graduating he took two years off to work five jobs before getting his masters I was in school for a long time Andy He mentioned During these two years though he told me he was very aimless and shouldn t have waited so long I finally finished school when I was 35 He sighed Holy crap I don t here that often He went on to talk about how he looked into law and then back to writing a couple of times during these years I asked him if he had trouble financially at any point and he simply replied A little He then explained that with the five jobs he was working he still had to take out five thousand dollars in loans every semester I still to this day am paying for my student loans He said in monotone I was immediately shocked but then I gained more respect for him I realized that his true love for teaching writing and literature is why he had this job and he doesn t mind the salary as much He was fine still paying off all his student loans even at his age For me personally I wouldn t think of myself as a successful man if I m still paying for my student loans in my forties but that s just me In conclusion of the interview Mr Burgure made me a strong and insightful fact That college for him was very competitive and he really believes he got lucky He told me that there were so many more English majors who wanted to teach then the jobs available which is even more true today with every job He told me the competitiveness in colleges these days is skyrocketing and I agreed with him I too definitely think that colleges are getting more competitive and students really have to put in work to get a highpaying career right out of college This comment from him resonated with me the most out of the interview When we finished up and I was heading out the door the only two things I could think of is Wow I need to start acting academically competitive and Damn I never want to still be paying off student loans at that age

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