UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON Computer Sciences Department CS513 Spring 14 General Information Course Name Numerical Linear Algebra Lectures Time TR 12 50 2 15 Place 1325CS Instructor Name Phone Office Hours Amos Ron 262 6621 W 5 6 or by appoint Office E mail CS7381 amos cs wisc edu Name Office Hours Zach Welch M 2 30 3 30 T 11 12 Office E mail CS1301 zwelch cs wisc edu TA Text Book Numerical Linear Algebra L N Trefethen and D Bau SIAM 1997 ISBN 0898713617 Recommended supplementary books Applied Numerical Linear Algebra W W Hager Prentice Hall An Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra C G Cullen PWS Boston Introduction CS513 deals with Numerical Algebra i e problems which are associated with linear systems of equations matrices determinants and other problems which can be reduced to such settings Syllabus The main topics covered in this course are listed here A detailed syllabus may appear at the web site Matlab overview Lec 9 and discussion of machine precision Lec 13 Linear systems Review of relevant properties of matrices as transformations Lec 1 Norms of vectors and matrices Lec 3 Orthogonal transformations Lec 2 Singular Value Decomposition Lec 4 Householder transformations Lec 10 QR factorization Lec 7 Least squares overdetermined systems Lec 11 Linear systems LU factorization Lec 20 Stability and conditioning Lec 12 14 Pivoting Lec 21 complexity Cholesky factorization Eigenvalue problems the power method Lec 25 27 the bisection method and the QR method Lec 28 SVD revisited Lec 31 Iterative methods the exact syllabus here will be decided later Code We will use Matlab A Matlab primer 3rd edition by Sigmon is found at our site Introduction to Matlab is a part of this course In general the code is an important means to get numerical results Bear in mind that interpreting correctly the output is at least as important as the quality of your program Machine Student accounts will be accessible from any CS unix machine Activate your account by using the newuser procedure the instructions are found in the user rooms ASAP and familiarize yourself with the operating system with an editor of your choice and with Matlab see above Your account is already active with the same login and passwd if you are a CS major and or you took a CS class last semester The operating system is essentially Unix In addition you will need to use some editor A comprehensive introduction to the editor vi recommended if you had used that editor before is available at our site on the web Class Account and class list All information concerning this class is done via email and via postings at our website You should read your email frequently at least once a day Sending an e mail message to compsci513 1 s14 lists wisc edu will send your message to the entire class including the instructor and TA The messages are sent to your preferred email address which you may change update via MyUW Archives are available at https www auth cs wisc edu lists classes A valid CS username and password is required to access these archives Our website is at www cs wisc edu amos cs513 html Most files are postscript and pdf Assignments Will be assigned on a fortnightly basis There will be some shorter assignments that will be due a week after they are released Due time will appear on each assignment Past due penalties apply as follows 1 Up to 6 class days accumulated throughout the semester no penalty 2 You loose 10 from the grade of the assignment for each day in access of the 6 days above The calculation is done for each assignment separately In this context a class day is each day when classes are held in UW Late assignments must be put in the TA s mailbox 5th floor CS building Save your grace days you will not be granted further days even in case of a family emergency or an illness In particular spending your grace days on the short assignments is off hand unwise Grading Policy One mid term 30 one final 40 homework assignments 40 Grades above 100 are considered as A All other grades are competitive Final is comprehensive No make ups Note the midterm is tentatively scheduled for March 12 7 15 9 15 Report on any conflict as soon as possible 85 minute lectures do we read it right Some might believe that they get here more education for their money Unfortunately this is not exactly the case you are getting more convenience here Lectures of 85 minutes are in lieu of make up sessions for lost and canceled classes Scholastic Dishonesty There will be a strict adherence to UW rules if such matters arise I stress that a disclosure of any part of your written assignment to another student is considered a breach Prerequisites The formal prereq are math 340 and CS 302 In any case a good background in linear algebra is essential for your success in this course yet doesn t guarantee this success
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