UCSB CHEM 1CL - Nomenclature

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Nomenclature HCO3 bicarbonate NO3CNSO42MnO4ClO2SO32NH4 PO43OHC2H3O2ClO Metal has one charge Metal can have multiple charges Ionic Metal Nonmetal Cation Anion Cation ROMAN NUMBERAL Base of anion ide polyatomic anions keep their original names Ionic compounds don t use prefixes TYPE I LiHCO3 Li HCO3 Na2SO3 Na SO32 NH4 3 PO4 NH4 PO43 lithium bicarbonate sodium sulfate ammonium phosphate Type 2 Fe OH 3 Fe3 OH iron III hydroxide CuC2H3O2 Cu C2H3O2 copper I acetate Furthest to top right Molecular Metal nonmetal prefix first element prefix base of second element ide Prefixes o o o o o o o o o 1 mono2 di3 tri4 tetra5 penta6 hexa7 hepta8 octa9 nona o 10 decao 11 undecao 12 dodeca Acids H and nonmetal s binary Oxoacid w oxygen Hydro base of anion ic acid ate ite Base of anion ic acid Base of anion ous acid

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UCSB CHEM 1CL - Nomenclature

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