ISU AECL 365 - A_ECL_BIOL_365_Adams_hartnett_Migration_and_Dispersal

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SI A ECL 365 1 Is migration a one way or round trip Circle one 2 Until the last century birds were thought to hibernate where 3 How is it that migration likely began 4 Migration requires energy 5 Migration is in response to several different 6 Name some environmental pressures that led to migration 7 Which birds are resident species 8 Which bird species migrate 9 Which birds are transient 10 Which mammals migrate 11 How do frogs and salamanders migrate 12 How do many reptiles migrate 13 How do snakes migrate 14 How do salmonids migrate 15 Describe the pacific salmon migration 16 How do fish know which stream is their natal stream 17 How does daytime and night time migration differ 18 Describe anadromous migration 19 Describe catadromous migration 20 Baleen whales have blow holes 21 True False Baleen whales are singers and mostly do not migrate 22 True False gray whales do not feed during migration 23 In terms of feeding and reproduction how do gray whales act while they overwinter 24 What are different ways of observing bird migration 25 Which method of observing bird migration is used extensively 26 What is compass orientation 27 What is true navigation 28 True False Young birds display as much accuracy as adult birds in their migratory achievements 29 is annual rhythm and is daily rhythm 30 What is dispersal 31 List several benefits of dispersal 32 What are costs of dispersal 33 Which gender is more likely to disperse in mammals 34 Which gender is more likely to disperse in birds

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ISU AECL 365 - A_ECL_BIOL_365_Adams_hartnett_Migration_and_Dispersal

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