UCSB CHEM 1CL - Lab 5 Discussion

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Saul Ruiz Experiment 5 November 6 2011 Molar Volume of a Gas The purpose of this experiment is to learn to determine the molar volume of a gas as well as learning how to measure the volumes of gases at standard temperatures and pressures 2H2O2 l 2H2O l O2 g Mg s 2HCl aq MgCl2 aq H2 aq The volume of gas was measured using the reactions previously stated which produces oxygen gas This gas is pushed through the rubber tube and water from Flask B goes to Beaker C as a result of another tube recording the increased pressure on Flask B The results obtained for the molar volume of O2 at STP were 29 116 L mol On the other hand the results obtained for the molar volume of H2 at STP were 21 223 L mol The accepted molar volume of an ideal gas at STP is 22 4 L mol Thus the molar volume of O2 at STP is off by 6 716 L mol whereas the molar volume of H2 at STP is off by 1 177 L mol There are several sources of error that could have occurred in this experiment such as the change in pressure or temperature A change of pressure would garner an unwanted change in the result of the experiment This would most likely happen if the pressure inside and outside Flask B were not equalized Another source of error may have been the temperature Not giving the reactants enough time in the trough could possibly alter the temperature of the reactants and may differ from that of the temperature of the room As the temperature goes up the molar volume goes up as well and as the temperature goes down the molar volume will go down

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UCSB CHEM 1CL - Lab 5 Discussion

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