UCSB CHEM 1CL - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Psychology The scientific study of mind and behavior Mind Our private inner experience of perceptions thoughts memories and feelings Behavior Observable actions of human beings and nonhuman animals Nativism The philosophical view that certain kinds of knowledge are innate or inborn Stimulus Sensory input from the environment Reaction Time The amount of time taken to respond to a specific stimulus Consciousness A person s subjective experience of the world and the mind Structuralism The analysis of the basic elements that constitute the mind Introspection The subjective observation of one s own experience Functionalism The study of the purpose mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt to their environment Natural Selection Charles Darwin s theory that the features of an organism that help it survive and reproduce are more likely than other features to be passed on to subsequent generations Philosophical Empiricism The philosophical view that all knowledge is acquired through experience Phrenology A now defunct theory that specific mental abilities and characteristics are localized in specific regions of the brain Physiology The study of biological processes especially in the human body Hysteria A temporary loss of cognitive or motor functions usually as a result of emotionally upsetting circumstances Unconscious The part of the mind that operates outside of conscious awareness but influences conscious thoughts feelings and actions Psychoanalytic Theory Sigmeund Freud s approach to understanding human behavior that emphasizes the importance of unconscious mental processes in shaping feelings thoughts and behaviors Psychoanalysis A therapeutic approach that focuses on bringing unconscious material into conscious awareness to better understand psychological disorders Humanistic Psychology An approach to understanding human nature that emphasizes the positive potential of human beings Behaviorism An approach that advocates that psychologists restrict themselves to the scientific study of objectively observable behavior Response An action or physiological change elicited by a stimulus Reinforcement The consequences of a behavior that determine whether it will be more likely that the behavior will occur again Chinchisai Wayne Scotting Keta Hari Sasu Munagi Tsuma no nobori Ita azekura zukuri seirogumi Toyouke Daijingu Kotaijingu Shingu Shicho 1994 The Sikinen Sengu in Ise Jingu Architecture the vicennial rites of Renewal

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UCSB CHEM 1CL - Chapter 1

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