Today s topic CS347 Clustering documents Lecture 8 May 7 2001 Prabhakar Raghavan Why cluster documents Given a corpus partition it into groups of related docs Recursively can induce a tree of topics Given the set of docs from the results of a search say jaguar partition into groups of related docs semantic disambiguation Results list clustering example Cluster 1 Jaguar Motor Cars home page Mike s XJS resource page Vermont Jaguar owners club Cluster 2 Big cats My summer safari trip Pictures of jaguars leopards and lions Cluster 3 Jacksonville Jaguars Home Page AFC East Football Teams 1 What makes docs related Ideal semantic similarity Practical statistical similarity We will use cosine similarity Docs as vectors For many algorithms easier to think in terms of a distance rather than similarity between docs We will describe algorithms in terms of cosine distance Intuition t3 Each doc j is a vector of tf idf values one component for each term Can normalize to unit length So we have a vector space terms are axes n docs live in this space even with stemming may have 10000 dimensions Cosine similarity D2 D3 D1 x y Recall doc as vector t1 Cosine similarity of D j Dk m sim D j Dk wij w ik i 1 Aka normalized inner product t2 D4 Postulate Documents that are close together in vector space talk about the same things 2 Two flavors of clustering Given n docs and a positive integer k partition docs into k disjoint subsets Given docs partition into an appropriate number of subsets E g for query results ideal value of k not known up front Cluster centroid Centroid of a cluster average of vectors in a cluster is a vector Need not be a doc Centroid of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 6 is 4 3 5 Can usually take an algorithm for one flavor and convert to the other Outliers in centroid computation Ignore outliers when computing centroid What is an outlier Distance to centroid M average Centroid Agglomerative clustering Given target number of clusters k Initially each doc viewed as a cluster start with n clusters Say 10 Repeat while there are k clusters find the closest pair of clusters and merge them Centroid Outlier 3 Closest pair of clusters Example n 6 k 3 Many variants to defining closest pair of clusters Closest pair two clusters whose centroids are the most cosine similar d6 d4 d3 d5 d1 d2 Centroid after first step Issues Exercise Have to discover closest pairs compare all pairs n3 cosine similarity computations Avoid recall techniques from lecture 4 points are changing as centroids change How would you adapt sampling pregrouping Consider agglomerative clustering on n points on a line Explain how you could avoid n3 distance computations how many will your scheme use Changes at each step are not localized on a large corpus memory management becomes an issue 4 Hierarchical clustering Different algorithm k means As clusters agglomerate docs likely to fall into a hieararchy of topics or concepts d3 Iterative algorithm More locality within each iteration Hard to get good bounds on the number of iterations d5 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d4 d1 d2 d4 d5 d3 Basic iteration Iteration example At the start of the iteration we have k centroids Need not be docs just some k points Each doc assigned to the nearest centroid All docs assigned to the same centroid are averaged to compute a new centroid thus have k new centroids Docs Current centroids 5 Iteration example k means clustering Begin with k docs as centroids could be any k docs but k random docs are better Why Repeat Basic Iteration until termination condition satisfied Docs New centroids Termination conditions Several possibilities e g A fixed number of iterations Centroid positions don t change Does this mean that the docs in a cluster are unchanged Convergence Why should the k means algorithm ever reach a fixed point A state in which clusters don t change k means is a special case of a general procedure known as the EM algorithm Under reasonable conditions known to converge Number of iterations could be large 6 Exercise Consider running 2 means clustering on a corpus each doc of which is from one of two different languages What are the two clusters we would expect to see Is agglomerative clustering likely to produce different results k not specified in advance Say the results of a query Solve an optimization problem penalize having lots of clusters compressed summary of list of docs Tradeoff between having more clusters better focus within each cluster and having too many clusters Multi lingual docs Canadian Belgian government docs Every doc in English and equivalent French Cluster by concepts rather than language Cross lingual retrieval k not specified in advance Given a clustering define the Benefit for a doc to be the cosine similarity to its centroid Define the Total Benefit to be the sum of the individual doc Benefits Why is there always a clustering of Total Benefit n 7 Penalize lots of clusters For each cluster we have a Cost C Thus for a clustering with k clusters the Total Cost is kC Define the Value of a cluster to be Back to agglomerative clustering In a run of agglomerative clustering we can try all values of k n n 1 n 2 1 At each we can measure our Value then pick the best choice of k Total Benefit Total Cost Find the clustering of highest Value over all choices of k Exercises Suppose a run of agglomerative clustering finds k 7 to have the highest Value amongst all k Have we found the highestValue clustering amongst all clusterings with k 7 Using clustering in applications 8 Sampling and pre grouping Clustering to speed up scoring From Lecture 4 recall sampling and pregrouping Wanted to find given a query Q the nearest docs in the corpus Wanted to avoid computing cosine similarity of Q to each of n docs in the corpus Lecture 4 First run a pre processing phase pick n docs at random call these leaders For each other doc pre compute nearest leader Docs attached to a leader its followers Likely each leader has n followers Process a query as follows Given query Q find its nearest leader L Seek nearest docs from among L s followers Instead of random leaders cluster First run a pre processing phase Cluster docs into n clusters For each cluster its centroid is the leader Process a query as follows Navigation structure Given a corpus agglomerate into a hierarchy Throw away lower layers so you don t have n leaf topics each having a single doc Given query Q find its nearest leader L Seek nearest docs from among L s followers d3 d5 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d4 d1 d2 d4 d5 d3 9 Navigation
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