ASU BIO 100 - BIO100 Review for Exam 1

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BIO100 Review for Exam 1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Biology Today The Scope of Life The Unity of Life Life at Its Many Levels Life in Its Diverse Forms Evolution Biology s Unifying Theme The Darwinian View of Life Natural Selection The Process of Science Discovery Science Hypothesis Driven Science Can Colors Protect a Snake The Culture of Science Science Technology and Society Terms Concepts Properties of Life Levels of Organization Biosphere Ecosystem Communities Population Individuals Organs Tissues Cells Organelles Molecules Atoms Cell Theory Taxonomy Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species 5 Kingdoms Monera Plantae Animalia Fungi Protista Scientific Method Casual question hypothesis prediction test conclusion Natural Selection Darwin 1 CHAPTER 2 Essential Chemistry for Biology Some Basic Chemistry Matter Elements and Compounds Atoms Chemical Bonding and Molecules Chemical Reactions Water and Life Water s Life Supporting Properties Acids Bases and pH Terms Concepts Element Compounds HONC Atoms Atomic number Atomic Mass Mass Number Neutrons Protons Electrons Isotopes Orbitals Shells Bonds Covalent Polar and non polar Ionic Hydrogen Van der Walls Reactants Products 2 CHAPTER 3 The Molecules of Life Organic Molecules Carbon Chemistry Giant Molecules from Smaller Building Blocks Biological Molecules Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids Terms Concepts Properties of Water Cohesion surface tension Heat vs Temperature Solvent Solute Acid Base Buffers Macromolecules Polymer Monomer Anabolic Catabolic Dehydration reaction Hydrolysis reaction monosaccharide disaccharides glycosidic link polysaccharide starch glycogen cellulose Lipids fats phospholipids steroids glycerol fatty acid triglyceride ester linkage reduced saturated oxidized unsaturated Proteins amino acids polypeptide peptide bonds Protein conformation Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary Nucleic acids nitrogenous base changeable sugar phosphate group hydrophilic hydrophobic 3 CHAPTER 4 A Tour of the Cell The Microscopic World of Cells Microscopes as a Window on the World of Cells The Two Major Categories of Cells A Panoramic View of Eukaryotic Cells Membrane Structure The Plasma Membrane A Fluid Mosaic of Lipids and Proteins Cell Surfaces The Nucleus and Ribosomes Genetic Control of the Cell Structure and Function of the Nucleus Ribosomes How DNA Controls the Cell The Endomembrane System Manufacturing and Distributing Cellular Products The Endoplasmic Reticulum The Golgi Apparatus Lysosomes Vacuoles Chloroplasts and Mitochondria Energy Conversion Chloroplasts Mitochondria The Cytoskeleton Cell Shape and Movement Maintaining Cell Shape Cilia and Flagella Terms Concepts Microscopes Simple Compound Electron Microscope SEM scanning electron microscope TEM transmission electron microscope Magnification Resolution Cell Theory Prokaryotic know structural parts and functions Eukaryotic know structural parts and functions 4 CHAPTER 5 The Working Cell Some Basic Energy Concepts Conservation of Energy Entropy Chemical Energy Food Calories ATP and Cellular Work The Structure of ATP Phosphate Transfer The ATP Cycle Enzymes Activation Energy Induced Fit Enzyme Inhibitors Membrane Function Passive Transport Diffusion Across Membranes Osmosis and Water Balance in Cells Active Transport The Pumping of Molecules Across Membranes Exocytosis and Endocytosis Traffic of Large Molecules The Role of Membranes in Cell Signaling products ATP cycle enzymes passive transport diffusion facilitated diffusion osmosis osmoregulation hypertonic hypotonic isotonic lysing turgid flaccid active transport exocytosis endocytosis pinocytosis phagocytosis receptor mediated endocytosis Terms Concepts Conservation of Energy Potential energy kinetic energy chemical energy entropy photosynthesis exergonic catabolism oxidation reduction Redox Cellular respiration reactants 5

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ASU BIO 100 - BIO100 Review for Exam 1

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