Lecture 9 May 11 2001 Prabhakar Raghavan Automatic document classification Rule based classification Supervised learning Given one or more topics decide which one s a given document belongs to Applications Classification into a topic taxonomy Intelligence analysts Routing email to help desks customer service Choice of topic must be unique Manual classification accurate when done by subject experts consistent when done by a small team difficult to scale used by Yahoo Looksmart about com ODP hundreds of subject editors maintain thousands of topics topics organized in a tree like navigation structure Unsupervised learning Given corpus infer structure implicit in the docs without prior training Supervised learning Train system to recognize docs of a certain type e g docs in Italian or docs about religion Decide whether or not new docs belong to the class es trained on Must teach machine a model of each topic Given new doc must measure fit to model s Evaluation how well does the system perform Threshold of pain how confident is the system s assessment Sometimes better to give up Through an explicit query Through exemplary docs Combination For the topic Performing Arts query accrues evidence from stemmed and non stemmed words Query built by a subject expert New doc scored against query if accrued evidence exceeds some threshold declare it to belong to this topic Topic queries can be built up from other topic queries Document routing Customer service Profiled newsfeeds Spam porn filtering Dow Jones Over 100 000 standing profiles A profile can have 100 atomic terms Common sub expressions shared by different topics Optimizing this sharing is a hard problem Costa Rica Eco Tourism AND AND Hotel room suite OR Hotel room suite OR AND Tahoe Donner Boreal OR Costa Rica Eco Tourism Hotels Lake Tahoe area Hotels Costa Rica Eco Tourism Hotel room suite Tahoe Donner Boreal AND AND Costa Rica Eco Tourism Hotels AND Lake Tahoe area Hotels OR OR Figures of merit include Accuracy of classification more below Speed of classification docs hour Effort in training system human hours topic Documents size length quality style of authorship uniformity of vocabulary Accuracy measurement need definitive judgement on which topic s a doc belongs to usually human Confusion matrix Actual Topic Topic assigned by classifier 53 This i j entry means 53 of the docs actually in topic i were put in topic j by the classifier Function of classifier topics and test docs For a perfect classifier all off diagonal entries should be zero Fraction of docs in topic i classified correctly cii cij j Fraction of docs assigned topic i that are cii actually about topic i c ji j Fraction of docs classified correctly c c ii i ij j i Feed system exemplary docs on topic training Positive as well as negative examples System builds its model of topic Subsequent test docs evaluated against model decides whether test is a member of the topic Exemplary docs for each Build model for each topic differential models Given test doc decide which topic s it belongs to Each doc j is a vector one component for each term Normalize to unit length Have a vector space terms are axes n docs live in this space even with stemming may have 10000 dimensions Each training doc a point vector labeled by its topic Hypothesis docs of the same topic form a contiguous region of space Define surfaces to delineate topics in space Government Science Arts Figure out which region it lies in Assign corresponding topic Government Science Arts How do we define and find the separating surfaces How do we compose separating surfaces into regions How do we test which region a test doc is in Assume linear separability for now in 2 dimensions can separate by a line in higher dimensions need hyperplanes Can find separating hyperplane by linear programming separator can be expressed as ax by c Find a b c such that ax by c for red points ax by c for green points In general lots of possible solutions for a b c Support vectors Quadratic programming problem The decision function is fully specified by training samples which lie on two parallel hyper planes Maximize margin Now we know how to build a separator for two linearly separable topics What about topics whose exemplary docs are not linearly separable What about 2 topics Find a line that penalizes points on the wrong side Suppose you have n points in d dimensions labeled red or green How big need n be as a function of d in order to create an example with the red and green points not linearly separable E g for d 2 n 4 Negative for bad points Define distance for each point with respect to separator ax by c ax by c for red points c ax by for green points Solution gives separator between two topics choice of a b Given a new point x y can score its proximity to each class evaluate ax by Set confidence threshold 3 5 7 Example SVM features wi ti 0 70 prime 0 67 rate 0 63 interest 0 60 rates 0 46 discount 0 43 bundesbank 0 43 baker wi ti 0 71 dlrs 0 35 world 0 33 sees 0 25 year 0 24 group 0 24 dlr 0 24 january Build a separator between each topic and its complementary set docs from all other topics Given test doc evaluate it for membership in each topic Declare membership in topics above threshold Formulate as above except negative examples for a topic are added to its complementary set Positive examples Negative examples Can be viewed as defining a region in vector space No longer linear separators Query Costa Rica AND hotel Topic region hotel Costa Rica Combining rule based and machine learning based classifiers Nonlinear decision surfaces vs linear User interface and expressibility issues Can specify rule based query in the interface Can exemplify docs What is the representation of the combination Can also use Bayesian nets to formulate classification Compute probability doc belongs to a class conditioned on its contents Many fancy schemes exist for term weighting in vectors beyond simple tf idf R M Tong L A Appelbaum V N Askman J F Cunningham Conceptual Information Retrieval using RUBRIC Proc ACM SIGIR 247 253 1987 S T Dumais Using SVMs for text categorization IEEE Intelligent Systems 13 4 Jul Aug 1998
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