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Soci250 Summer 2009 Collected MC Questions for the Final Examination These are the multiple choice questions that I have received so far Saturday 13 Jun 2009 and that will constitute the basis of the final exam These are RAW questions straight from what students sent me I will be editing rewriting these questions over the weekend so do not assume that the questions will remain the same R1 Rousseau Multiple Choice Questions 1 The social compact is a The giving up of one s self so that s he may be part of a society b When each individual places his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will and in this corporate capacity each member is received as an indivisible part of the whole c The association of individuals who have come together in order to remain as individuals under an elected group with the public s general will as its main focus and concern d The allegiance of each individual to the State or Republic so as to have a mutually binding family relationship in which subsistence is equally exchanged between the two parties Answer B 2 According to Rousseau the civil state affords humans a The opportunity to project individual style and self interests b An urban community in which each individual may own his her property outright c The general will d Moral liberty reason and justice Answer D 3 According to Rousseau the first convention is a The institution of slavery b The institution of the family c The association of individuals which then comprise a people d The act by which a people give itself to the ruler Answer C R2 Kant What is Enlightenment 1 According to Kant enlightenment is man s emergence from his self imposed a doubt b ignorance c immaturity d stupidity 2 Which institution is Kant most critical of in stalling public enlightenment a the government b the family c the school d the church 3 According to Kant what is the problem with authority a It inhibits people s freedom b It doesn t allow people to question their actions c It doesn t allow people to argue for reform d All of the above R3 Adam Smith R 3 multiple choice questions 1 How can the increased productivity of divided labor be explained a Improved dexterity of workers b Repetitive and focused diligence towards a single operation c Bypassing lost time by an individual changing focus to a new task d All of the above 2 a b c d What human trait encourages the division of Labor The desire to accumulate goods The ability to foresee the economic advantages of the division of labor The inclination to trade and exchange goods None of the above 3 Adam Smith was an economic innovator and helped encourage an intellectual revolution in which country a England b Scotland c Ireland d Germany R5 Manifesto of the Communist Party Karl Marx Multiple Questions 1 What metaphor did Marx use when discussing factory work a b c d Farm help Slaves Miners Chinese sweat show employees 2 The bourgeois corrupt the nation by a Turning self worth into something that can be exchanged for value b Turning everyone into proletarians c Asking tax payers for bailouts d Corrupting families R7 German Ideology Here are my multiple choice questions on Young Marx and the German Ideology sorry about the email issue 1 Young Marx s thoughts were based on rather than science a Engel s Ideas b Philosophy c Art d There was no change in his ideas in the different stages of his life Answer B 2 The German Ideology basically stated a Humans are distinguished from animals by consciousness religion etc b The class which has control over the means of material production also has control over the means of mental production c Ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expressions that the dominant class desires d All of the Above Answer D R8 Economic and Philosophical Ms 1 True or False Marx writes these manuscripts in the year 1844 describing the relationships between property owners and property less workers More specifically he points out the many flaws of political economy and argues that political economy sets in motion greed and competition 2 What element does Marx seem to be very adamant against in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 a Democracy b private property c Russia d Socialism 3 Which of the following topics does Marx seems to stress the significance of through his manuscripts of 1844 a alienation or estrangement b racism c increased foreign trade d improving the political economy R10 Lenski on Marx And here are the questions for Gerhard Lenski s New Light on Old Issues The Relevance of Really Existing Socialist Societies for Stratification Theory 1 Lenski observed which two failures in Really Existing Socialist Societies a constant revolution and widespread hunger b resistance to redistribution of wealth and political unrest c infrastructure falls apart and impotent central planning d political inequality and no transformation in human nature 2 This type of economy characterized by strong central planning was operating in the socialist societies that Lenski reflected upon a Market b Command c Traditional d Mixed 3 Gerhard Lenski s New Light on Old Issues The Relevance of Really Existing Socialist Societies for Stratification Theory was a An examination of Current Problems in Socialist Societies b A re examination of and reflection upon Lenski s 1978 findings c A propaganda piece R11 Pareto Multiple choice questions According to Pareto s social pyramid which part of the income distribution has the strongest social selection 1 Bottom 2 Middle 3 Top According to Pareto revolution takes place when 1 inferior elements accumulate in elite 2 inferior elements in non elite are prevented from sinking 3 superior elements in non elite are prevented from rising 4 1 and 2 5 1 and 3 A decrease in the inequality of the proportion of incomes can be observed when 1 Total income increases more rapidly than the population 2 Population increases more rapidly than the total income 3 Total income and population increase at the same rate R12 with answer Pareto Circulation of Elites 1 Vilfredo Pareto expressed what beliefs about class struggle a consists of conflict between two elites b revolutionary elites always present their cause as cause of people as a whole c this circulation of elites will not stop with proletarian revolution d all of the above 2 Which sociologist sympathized with the fascist party and was admired by Mussolini a Karl Marx b Vilfredo Pareto c Max Weber d Emile Durkheim 3 Which of the following

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UNC-Chapel Hill SOCI 250 - Collected MC Questions for the Final Examination

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