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Proximity Planar triangulations Problem definitions 1 TRIANGULATION INSTANCE Set S p1 p2 pN of N points in the plane QUESTION Join the points in S with nonintersecting straight line segments so that every region internal to the convex hull of S is a triangle A triangulation for a set S is not necessarily unique As a planar graph a triangulation on N vertices has 3N 6 edges Proximity Planar triangulations Problem definitions 2 CONSTRAINED TRIANGULATION INSTANCE Set S p1 p2 pN of N points in the plane and set E pi pj of nonintersecting edges on S QUESTION Join the points in S with nonintersecting straight line segments so that every region internal to the convex hull of S is a triangle and every edge of E is in the triangulation Proximity Planar triangulations Problem definitions 3 POLYGON TRIANGULATION INSTANCE Polygon P p1 p2 pN of N points in the plane QUESTION Triangulate the interior of P As a polygon P has a set of edges by definition hence POLYGON TRIANGULATION is a special case of CONSTRAINED TRIANGULATION We encountered this problem in 1 Kirkpatrick s triangle refinement method for point location 2 Hertel s convex polyhedra intersection algorithm Proximity Planar triangulations Optimizations Beyond simply triangulating a set S some problems involve optimizations of the triangulation For example 1 Minimize total length of triangulation edges 2 Minimize difference among internal angles i e triangles that are more or less equilateral A For example A and B are both valid triangulations but B is preferred to A under both optimization criteria Complexity Time complexity depends on the problem and optimization A Proximity Planar triangulations Greedy triangulation A greedy algorithm chooses the optimum choice available at each step of an algorithm and never undoes anything done earlier Suppose the problem is TRIANGULATION with the desired optimization of minimizing the total edge length We will examine some greedy algorithms for this problem If the objective is to minimize total edge length the greedy approach is to add at each stage the shortest possible edge that does not intersect any existing edge Proximity Planar triangulations Simple greedy algorithm 1 Generate all N2 O N2 possible edges store in P O N2 2 Sort P on increasing edge length O N2 log N2 3 Initialize triangulation T to 4 while P O N2 5 e shortest first edge in P 6 P P e 7 keep TRUE 8 for every edge t T O N by Euler s formula 9 if e t 10 keep FALSE 11 endif 12 endfor 13 if keep TRUE 14 T T e 15 endif 16 endwhile Analysis O N2 O N O N3 An aside Preparata says sorting requires O N2 log N time rather than O N2 log N2

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UCF COT 5520 - Proximity Planar triangulations

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