TAMU PHYS 222 - final11B

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NAME PHYSICS 222 FINAL EXAM PRINT NAME MAY 9 2011 10 1 With respect to the earth object 1 is moving at speed 0 9c to the right Object 2 is moving in the same direction at speed 0 7c with respect to object 1 How fast is object 2 moving with respect to the earth f 7 a 0 64c b 0 80c c 0 98c d 1 6c tQ V4 4 jrJ c s I C 1 U 7 cr i I 4c 10 2 What is the probably of finding a partide in the region from x 0 03 x 2 in that region a 5 6x b 3 4x W c 6 Ox 102 d 2 3 1 to x 2 if its wave function is j io kj 12 5 5 I 1 Lflrs j s 6j 10 3 In t e hydrogen atorr if the principal quantum numb r n 4 how nany possib e values an the oribital quantum number I have a3b4 c8 d J OJ 17 10 4 If a ea or prod es an verage power f 1000 MW for energy a035kg b 175kg c384kg lix 10kg 1o9oX1tk C 1 year h v uch a s is rred irto 25 5 An eiectron has a speed of 0 7Sc Find the speed of a proton that has the same kinetic energy as the ectron M M c7y K4 y i f cgy 10 q c 9csK 4 1 r 4PK1o 1 5O2 Z C 17 1 O 25 6 Calculate the frequency of the photon emitted by a hydrogen atom making a transition from the n 4tothen 3state eV eV E I cl 1 7 iX1 4ZE 1 t7T 1 1xI 1xkr r I j 0 7 b z Ir 31 t3xJL Lf 25 7 An electron has a de 8rolie wavelength equal to the diameter of the hydrogen atom What is the kinetic energy of the electron jI fr v 0 9 K i It P cfX 1 IL J ft I k E frnr k 2 if ZttKj 17 7 1 y 1o 1 35 8 Consider a step function potential where Region I from x c to x 0 V V 0 Region U fromx Otox c V O Show that the reflection coefficient is equal to unity for particles with E V in Region U moving in the direction x jL4 3 It 2 J k x e ec lL e ez Aeke tk 3x 4 b 1 I IN I r t3 ii C

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TAMU PHYS 222 - final11B

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