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COLLEGE OF BUSINESS STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT POLICY BUS 496 Section 006 Fall 2004 Tuesday Thursday 5 30 6 45pm BEH216 Instructor Prof Steven E Phelan Ph D Office BEH307 Email steven phelan ccmail nevada edu Office Hours Before and after class or by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION For many years instructors in business schools have rounded off their undergraduate business degree with a capstone course This course aimed to integrate the knowledge learned in the various functional areas of business i e marketing finance operations accounting MIS Strategy Management Policy is the title given to the capstone course in business at the University of Nevada The capstone course is designed to provide students with an insight into the role of the general manager in an organization Thus in addition to providing integration of previous material the capstone course also introduces students to the concepts of leadership ethics and strategic management This course uses a number of tools to explore these diverse issues ranging from formal lectures and simulation games to case studies and small group discussion In this subject learning is its own reward If you are not already working you soon will be You will find many of the concepts and cases in the course highly relevant to the world of business and to understanding the organization in which you will work REQUIRED MATERIALS Hill C W L Jones G 2004 Strategic Management Theory An Integrated Approach 6th Edition Boston Houghton Mifflin The Business Strategy Game distributed in class NOTE The fee for materials and registration is around 30 Register and pay on the website http www bsg online com Registration is required for a passing grade in this class Course Synopsis Week Week 1 Week 2 Date 8 31 9 2 9 7 9 Week 3 9 14 16 Week 4 9 21 23 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 9 28 30 10 5 7 10 12 14 10 19 21 Week 9 10 26 28 Week 10 Week 11 11 2 4 11 9 11 Week 12 11 16 18 Week 13 11 23 25 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Topic Readings The Strategic Management Process Ch 1 External Analysis Ch 2 Intro To Simulation Internal Analysis Ch 3 Rd P1 Functional Level Strategy Test 1 Business Level Strategy Competitive Strategy High Tech Strategy Global Strategy Ch 4 P2 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 1 2 3 4 Ch 9 5 Ch 10 6 7 Ch 11 8 11 30 12 2 Corporate Strategy 1 Test 2 Corporate Strategy 2 Veteran s Day No class Governance and Ethics Simulation ends Thanksgiving No class Strategy Implementation 1 12 7 9 12 16 Strategy Implementation 2 Final Examination Course Assessment Simulation Game Three Modules Three Tests 30 30 40 Ch 12 Ch 13 ASSESSMENT DETAILS Simulation Game 30 During the semester we will be playing a strategy simulation called The Business Strategy Game http www bsg online com in teams of 4 5 You will be awarded a grade based on how well you performed against other teams in the class and your contribution to your team as rated by your peers There will be some practice rounds before the actual game starts so you can learn to avoid some common pitfalls that might ruin your chances Modules 30 At the end of each chapter in the textbook is a module for a strategic management project You are required to complete any three modules using a company of your choice from the Fortune 500 Please include an additional copy of your answer to the first module with your assignment as this will be submitted to the College of Business as your senior year writing requirement Each module is due on the Monday following the chapter being covered no exceptions including holidays Each module is worth 10 of the final grade Overall marks will be awarded for Competence Did you answer the questions using appropriate sources of information Did you demonstrate a good grasp of the course material Effort How much effort did you use to obtain the information Did you learn anything Realism How realistic were your answers Did you provide novel insights into strategic behavior Clarity of Writing and Presentation Was the report well written and professionally presented Tests 40 Two one hour multiple choice tests each worth 10 of the grade will be conducted in Weeks 4 and 9 The tests will cover the material in Chapters 1 3 and Chapters 4 8 respectively A final test worth 20 of the final grade will be conducted on December 16 The examination will consist of a number of multiple choice and or short answer questions The exact format will be discussed in the week prior to the examination Students with at least a B average before the exam may elect to take a final grade of B in lieu of sitting the exam ADDITIONAL COURSE POLICIES 1 If you have a documented disability that may require assistance you will need to contact Disability Services for coordination in your academic accommodations Disability Services is located within Learning Enhancement Services LES in the Reynolds Student Services Complex Suite 137 The phone number is 895 0866 or TDD 895 0652 2 The University requires all members of the University Community to familiarize themselves and to follow copyright and fair use requirements You are individually and solely responsible for violations of copyright and fair use laws The University will neither protect nor defend you nor assume any responsibility for violations of fair use laws Violations of copyright laws could subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability as well as disciplinary action under University policies To help familiarize yourself with copyright and fair use policies the University encourages you to visit its copyright web page at http www unlv edu committees copyright 3 Academic honesty is expected Academic dishonesty cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated Any deviation from this policy will result in a failing grade and will be dealt with in accordance with the policies of UNLV

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