UMD BSCI 440 - Syllabus

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BSCI 440 Mammalian Physiology Spring 2004 Lecturer Dr William J Higgins BPS 2233 301 405 6904 for appointment whiggins umd edu http www life umd edu faculty bh cv html Graduate Assistants TA mailboxes are located in ZOP 1204 email addresses and other information may be found elsewhere on the course web site Important Words of Wisdom You knew the job was dangerous when you took it Fred Super Chicken to his faithful companion 1967 When the going gets weird the weird turn pro Hunter Thompson Testosterone makes you stupid William J Higgins Objectives 1 2 Discuss the structure function and regulation of the organ systems of mammals Come to an understanding of these systems through a series of topical discussions and self paced comprehensive computer simulations of physiological systems 1 3 Enjoy ourselves and create a classroom environment conducive to active learning and independent investigation Prerequisites BSCI 230 and CHEM 233 as listed in the UMCP Undergraduate Catalog All students are expected to be familiar with the following topics from BSCI 230 You will have the opportunity to review some of them with the aid of the assigned CD that comes with the textbook See the course Web site for more specific information and questions Lipids and cell membranes Membrane permeability and transport Please note that these topics are also Osmotic pressure all covered in unassigned sections of Muscle contraction your textbook Membrane potentials and action potentials Lecture Monday Wednesday and Friday 9 00 A M in HJP 0226 Lecture outlines and notes are available on the course Web site You should download and print the notes and refer to them in lecture Lecture Schedule Please see the course Web site for a complete listing of lecture topics and assigned readings Note that there are no dates assigned to the lecture topics or readings from the textbook For any listed topic we will get there when we get there No deadlines no schedules Please bring a sign half of a file folder is a good size with your first name in LARGE letters on it to class Hold it up when you ask a question or speak to Dr Know It All He will then get to know your name which is important Textbook Germann W J and C L Stanfield 2001 Principles of Human Physiology First Edition Benjamin Cummings San Francisco Please note that you WILL use the CD that comes in this book Reference Textbook The following textbook will be available in the recitation room It is NOT required but may be used as a supplemental reference or as a substitute text Silverthorn D U 2001 Human Physiology an Integrated Approach Third Edition Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River NJ 2 Email Reflector WWW Pages Every member of the class is expected to have and use an email account The address for this account must be the one listed in the University database Students may email questions to Dr Know It All He will reply either to the individual student or if appropriate to the entire class via the class email reflector Thus all questions and comments are first screened by the instructor before they are sent to the entire class Students may not send items to the class reflector You will also have access to a Web site for your individual recitation section This site will be posted via the Web CT platform It will used for communication among memebers of your recitation group and will also allow you to check your grades Stay tuned for access information We also have BSCI 440 and 441 home pages on the World Wide Web This allows us to post graphical images lecture notes sample questions etc This Web page can be accessed from the College of Life Sciences home page or go directly to http www life umd edu classroom bsci440 higgins Examinations Three hourly examinations will be given in class on Monday 23 February Lectures 1 11 150 points Wednesday 31 March Lectures 12 23 200 points Monday 26 April Lectures 24 35 200 points These dates are fixed and will not be changed Sample examinations from previous semesters are posted on the Web The cumulative final examination 250 points has been scheduled by the University for Monday 17 May 8 00 10 00 AM in HJP 0226 Material from lectures and recitation will be included in all examinations Regrade Policy 3 The grading of an examination may be discussed with Dr Higgins within 10 ten days of its return to you after you have checked the posted answer key He will not consider answers that were misinterpreted by the grader due to sloppy handwriting poor organization or incorrect terminology Your answers must be clear and concise the first time A general plea for help a review of the entire exam or a nonspecific request will not be honored You must complete all examinations in ink if you wish to discuss a possible grade change with the staff Make Up Examinations Do not miss an examination for any reason other than a serious medical or personal problem Please refer to the current edition of the UMCP Undergraduate Catalog for policies and procedures These regulations including the requirement for documentation will be strictly enforced We do check all medical excuses with your physician so please inform her him we will be calling to verify any specified illness A simple note from the University health Center will NOT suffice If you are well enough to walk there you can come tot he exam and discuss your illness with Dr Know It All in person REMEMBER If you aren t dead yet show up for the exam Die later GRADES Examinations 800 points Recitation 200 points Course total 1000 points Grade of A B C D 900 points 800 points 700 points 600 points Your continued enrollment in this course constitutes a binding contract Therefore this grading system is hereby agreed to by all course participants Thus there will be no competition among participants and final course grades need not and will not be discussed negotiated You either have the points or you don t 4 Appointments Communication is essential we the course Staff must hear your comments criticisms questions etc We will make an effort to visit the laboratories Dr Know It All will arrive at the lecture hall by 8 30 AM and is eager to answer your questions He will usually have some time after lecture to answer your questions You should plan on using these times to communicate with your professor We all enjoy hearing from our clients Your GTAs will also have time to discuss both lecture and laboratory material with you Just ask and you shall receive If the need arises you may schedule an appointment by

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UMD BSCI 440 - Syllabus

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