Development of European Feudalism From the Moldboard Plow to the Crusades European divisions Europe Galileo s 1564 1642 defense of Copernican astronomy banned by Church In Germany Protestant Kepler continues Copernican studies Political and religious divisions favor continuation of science and emergence of capitalism European Period of Warring States No unifying State after Charlemagne crowned emperor by Pope Leo III on Christmas day CE 800 d 814 Period of warring states of Europe 1100 years Attempts by Spain in 16 17th c by France under Napoleon early 19th c by Germany under Hitler 20th c 21st century European Union Merchants grow stronger between divided state powers in Europe In England and France they ally with King against feudal lords Advantages of Division In large centralized states the ruler can stop the merchants China Ottoman Empire But not where states are divided weakly centralized feudal states India and Europe In feudal India merchants are stymied by caste taboos against warfare But European merchants fight to defend their independence of feudal lords Importance of feudalism 1 Why Europe because of capitalism 2 Why capitalism because of feudalism 3 Next question why feudalism New European Empire Charlemagne crowned emperor by Pope Leo II on Christmas day 800 Unity partnership of Church and State But by 900 this new united empire has basically disappeared How long did Charlemagne s empire last New social arrangement of Medieval European feudalism So why did this all European empire fall apart Why did a feudal society emerge in Europe 1 2 3 4 5 6 Why did Charlemagne s all European state fall Why did civilization develop so late in Europe Nature of early European technology Social relations of production Political consequences Critique of medieval Christian religion St Francis of Assisi returns to the teachings of Jesus 1 Superficial Conquests Charles Martel the Hammer stops Muslim invasion in France 732 Grandson Charles the Great Charlemagne Charles the Big and Tall crowned king of France Germany in 800 First and only All European State How big was Charlemagne s army How big was Charlemagne s army Number of soldiers 5 000 Aided by spiritual power of Church Muslim armies over 100 000 soldiers Fall of Early European States Division at death of Charlemagne into three parts Sons get equal inheritance from father Later rule primogeniture United still with allegiance to the Pope Why did this first and only all European state fall Power of the Viking Raiders Viking Scandinavian Norsemen raids Main weapon Longboats can carry 50 warriors 3 foot draft allows deep access into interior Rapid attack on villages and retreat Powerlessness of king s centralized army to stop them Who can stop them Solution Knight in Shining Armor New fighting technology Large horse Lance Stirrup Need to be located close to all villages Small local armies of knights Life long training required What is the only way to defeat this weaponry Social basis of Knighhood Manor System 1 Serfdom arises during Roman period Slaves had become too expensive as the empire stopped expanding Serfs were cheaper worked harder because they shared with the landlord in the wealth they produced But northern territories beyond the empire involved free agricultural villages Explanation for this is given below Why peasants chose to abandon their freedom 2 Free villages enserf themselves to Lord for protection from raiders Peasants voluntary surrender of freedom Lord s noblesse oblige Exchange product labor for defense Recall functions of the state Land produce divided e g 2 3 for peasants 1 3 for lord European feudalism Result thousands of little feudal states each with its own set of laws Loose hierarchy among lords vassalage Voluntary pledge of allegiance to higher lord and of lords barons to King Vikings defeated But they also triumph Norsemen Northmen rule Normandy Conquer England in 1066 2 Why was Europe late Europe inherits past technology of all history advantage of a late civilization Europe s natural agricultural potential Rich farming land Mild climate rainfall Compare to Arabian desert China s 1 12 arability Until 500 CE covered in forests Why not clear the forests The ecological problem Rich soil but heavy with clay Too hard to plow with traditional scratch plow Rain but at the wrong time and too much Spring rains drown young wheat plants Hence planting on sides of hills Water drains more easily Chalky soil easier to cultivate 3 Solution the Moldboard Plow Invented about 500 CE among German tribes Three blades Vertical Plowshare colter Horizontal Ear Curved moldboard Heavy drawn by up to 8 oxen Furrow direction of slope to river Plowland mound between two furrows Natural drainage Long acre Technological approach again Recall Antigone passage about wonder of man with animal drawn plow Compare to China s rice production Extension of technological approach magnified power over nature Technological approach to nature culminates in the industrial revolution 4 Social Production New problem High cost of moldboard plow for poor peasants Solution share animals labor between members of community Result continuity of ancient communal cooperative mode of production of early kinship groups Impedes internal division of peasant farmers into rich and poor as in Greece and Rome Social consequences 1 500 800 Free independent agricultural villages System of dividing the land equally among peasant families village cooperation 2 900 Charlemagne s weakly unifed empire fails due to Viking invasions 3 Feudal system provides protection Cooperative villages under local feudal rulers Elected peasant leader deals with feudal lord Into the modern age 4 1700 to present Cooperative work in manufactories factories offices Capitalism is a system of cooperative production and individualistic ownership The merchant capitalist replaces the feudal lord The free worker replaces the serf Workers continue to work in a cooperative system as in a factory 5 Political problem Problem after the Vikings are defeated A system of warrior knights with no external enemy to fight Knights will fight each other implosion of feudal system Solution to the problem Pope Urban II calls for Crusade to fight Muslim infidels and capture Jerusalem 8 Crusades 1095 1291 Political aspect strengthens the power of Pope as leader of united Europe Church monasteries become the biggest feudal landowner First Victims of Crusades European Jews Look now we are going to seek out our
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