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idioms Daniel Jackson MIT Lab for Computer Science 6898 Advanced Topics in Software Design February 13 2002 issues state change how do you describe change in a logic mutation how do you modularize the change frame conditions how do you control unwanted changes 2 the relational model ideas view behaviour as a relation on states represent as a simple formula distinct variables for pre and post state example a procedure that returns the index of an element in an array fun Find t Index Elt e Elt Index t result e this procedure is partial some pre states have no post states non deterministic some pre states have 1 post state 3 preconditions what does partiality mean guard a control won t allow invocation in bad state precondition a disclaimer havoc if invoked in bad state 4 the VDM Larch approach make precondition explicit op Find t Index Elt e Elt Index pre e in Index t map post t result e do implementability check all s State pre s some s State post s s 5 the Z approach precondition is implicit Find t Index Elt e Elt i Index t i e compute precondition Pre Find some s State Find s s and check properties Pre Find true 6 the Alloy approach roll your own can split pre post into distinct functions can combine in different ways can interpret as guard or precondition fun FindPre t Index Elt e Elt e in Index t fun FindPost t Index Elt e Elt Index t result e fun Find t Index Elt e Elt Index FindPre t e FindPost t result e 7 frame conditions procedure that removes dupls fun RemoveDupls t t Index Elt Index t Index t Index t t procedure that sorts array without dupls fun Sort t t Index Elt Index t Index t all i j t Elt i j in Index lt t i t j in Elt lt are these constrained enough 8 summary so far declarative style is powerful spec by conjunction separation of concerns declarative style is dangerous implicit preconditions underconstraint frame conditions subtle for non deterministic operations subtle in OO programs important stylistic issue even when not subtle 9 modularizing change 3 approaches global state machine local state machines object oriented 10 a static model of router tables module routing sig IP sig Link from to Router sig Router ip IP table IP Link nexts set Router table IP from in this nexts table IP to no table ip fact inj Router ip fun Consistent all r Router i IP r table i to in i ip nexts fun inj t t r t t all x t sole r x 11 a dynamic model sig State sig IP sig Link from to State Router sig Router ip IP table State IP Link nexts State Router all s State table s IP from s in this nexts s table s IP to s no table s ip fun Consistent s State let rnexts r r Router r s r in Router nexts all r Router i IP r table s i to s in i ip rnexts 12 propagation fun Propagate s s State let rnexts r r Router r s r in Router nexts all r Router r table s in r table s r rnexts table s assert PropagationOK all s s State Consistent s Propagate s s Consistent s can you write NoTopologyChange fun NoTopologyChange s s State all x Link x from s x from s x to s x to s 13 global state version sig IP sig Link sig Router sig LinkState from to Link Router sig NetworkState extends LinkState ip Router IP table Router IP Link nexts Router Router all r Router table r IP from in r nexts r table r IP to no table r r ip inj ip 14 operations for global version fun Consistent s NetworkState all r Router i IP s table r i to s in i ip s nexts s fun Propagate s s NetworkState all r Router s table r in s table r r nexts s table s s ip r s ip r can you write NoTopologyChange fun NoTopologyChange s s NetworkState s from s from s to s to 15 object oriented version sig IP sig Link from to RouterRef sig Router ip IP table IP LinkRef nexts set RouterRef no table ip fact inj Router ip sig LinkRef sig RouterRef sig State robj RouterRef Router lobj LinkRef Link 16 invariants router invariant is now recognized as cross object fact all s State r RouterRef r s robj table IP s lobj from in r r s robj nexts r s robj table IP s lobj to 17 operations in OO version fun Consistent s State all r RouterRef i IP r s robj table i s lobj to in i ip s robj s robj nexts fun Propagate s s State let rnexts r r Router r s r in Router nexts all r RouterRef r s robj table in r s robj table r s robj nexts s robj table can you write NoTopologyChange fun NoTopologyChange s s State s lobj s lobj 18 comparison how do the approaches compare ease of expression degree of modularity how systematic frame conditions didn t get round to discussing this 19

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