The University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science Statistical Methods and Computing 22S 30 105 Spring 2008 140 Schaeffer Hall www stat uiowa edu kcowles s30 2008 Policies relating to this course are governed by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1 General Information Instructor Office hours Department DEO Lectures Lab Web page Textbook Recommended resources 2 Kate Cowles 374 SH 335 0727 kcowles stat uiowa edu T 1 30 2 20 p m W 12 30 1 20 p m Th 1 30 2 20 p m Please feel free to make appointments to see me outside of office hours and to send me questions by e mail Statistics and Actuarial Science 241 SH Dr Luke Tierney 241 SH 335 0712 luke tierney uiowa edu M W F 140 SH 10 30 11 20 Will replace 1 lecture every other week 41 SH http www stat uiowa edu kcowles s30 2008 Handouts homework assignments datasets etc will be posted on the web page for you to download Moore and McCabe The Basic Practice of Statistics 4th ed 2007 Freeman Delwiche and Slaughter The Little SAS Book 3rd ed 2003 SAS Institute Course goals and objectives Through hands on experience with real data from a wide variety of applications students will learn basic methods required for data analysis and interpretation The emphasis will be on formulating questions choosing appropriate statistical techniques for a given problem verifying whether the assumptions behind the techniques are met by the dataset drawing 1 appropriate conclusions from the analysis and communicating the results Students will learn the basics of SAS a statistical software package that is widely used in business industry government and research 3 Evaluation of students 3 1 Homework In general homework will be assigned each Fri and will be due in class the following Fri Exceptions to this schedule will be announced in class Show your work when solving written homework problems For computer problems turn in printouts of your commands or programs and their output You are encouraged to study with others However if you do work with others on homework assignments please a write up your own assignment and make sure you completely understand all solutions that you submit and b write the names of the others in your study group on your assignment Late homework is accepted only as required by university policy i e due to illness mandatory religious obligations or other unavoidable circumstances or University activities 3 2 Exams There will be three 1 hour midterm exams and one comprehensive 2 hour final The midterms will be given in the classroom during a regular lecture period Students may bring one 8 1 2 x 11 in sheet of paper with notes to each midterm and may bring three sheets to the final exam Midterm 1 week of 2 25 Midterm 2 week of 3 31 Midterm 3 week of 4 28 Final exam Monday 5 12 2 15 p m Missed exams may be made up only with documentation of reasons required by university policy see Late Homework above 3 3 Projects Students will work in groups of three to carry out projects involving application of the statistical methods covered in the course to problems of their own choosing I will be happy to work with you at each stage of your project Each group of students will Formulate a research question Obtain a dataset that can be used to address this question you may 2 collect your own data 3 4 obtain a dataset from the web from a book from an instructor in your major field or from some other source or The course components will be weighted as follows see me for a choice of datasets determine an appropriate method of analysis use SAS to check the data use SAS to carry out the analysis Grading Homework Midterms Project Final 4 10 42 14 each 20 28 Resources for additional help report and interpret the results I will expect more sophisticated projects from graduate students and other students registered for 22S 105 Projects will be carried out in three phases Please meet with me at least once while you are working on each phase Project proposal due 4 07 This is a detailed description of what you plan to do including question s to be addressed dataset to be used methods to be applied Also specify your intended method of presentation for the final project See below Extra Help The Statistics Tutorial Lab located in 202 CC gives free tutorial assistance to students in 22S 2 8 25 and 39 In addition several graduate students have volunteered to independently tutor students in various 22S courses at mutually arranged times and fees Please check the web site www stat uiowa edu courses tutoring html for tutoring details 5 5 1 Project interim report due 4 21 This informal report will indicate that your project is on track All computing should be done Turn in code and output and a brief summary hand written is O K of what the results mean and what remains to be done In addition include an itemized list of what specific tasks each member of the project team has done to date on the project Project presentation must be posted or submitted by 5 05 Projects must be finalized in a form that can be shared with the entire class such as College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Policies and Procedures Administrative Home of the Course The administrative home of this course is the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences which governs academic matters relating to the course such as the add drop deadlines the secondgrade only option issues concerning academic fraud or academic probation and how credits are applied for various graduation requirements Different colleges might have different policies If you have questions about these or other CLAS policies visit your academic advisor or 120 Schaeffer Hall and speak with the staff The CLAS Academic Handbook also contains important CLAS academic policies www clas uiowa edu students academic handbook index shtml posting a document on the course web page 5 2 preparing a poster giving an oral presentation with overheads slides or computer images Posters and oral presentations will be given in class during the week of 5 05 Along with the final project the team must turn in an itemized list of each person s contributions to the project Academic Fraud Plagiarism and any other activities that result in a student presenting work that is not his or her own are academic fraud Academic fraud is reported to the departmental DEO and then to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Services in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences who deals with academic fraud according to these
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