RCC HES 1 - Syllabus

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Health Science HES 1 Norco College of RCCD Fall 2011 Instructor Diane Olin Email Diane Olin rccd edu Website http academic rcc edu olin hes1 jsp Meet Tuesdays 6 9 pm West Quad Room 6 Course Description Health science HES 1 is a basic study of the anatomy and physiology of the body emphasizing modern concepts of prevention treatment and cure of degenerative and communicable diseases More specifically lecture topics will include scientific aspects of health ranging from the introduction to wellness and health weight management and nutrition alcohol tobacco and drug addiction cardiovascular health the reproductive system and STDs immunity and disease Cancer and special topics This course satisfies the California requirement in drug alcohol tobacco and nutrition education for teacher certification 54 lecture hours Required Text Health Science Custom Edition for Riverside City College Dianne Hales editor Cengage Learning Publishing Company Mason Ohio ISBN 13 978 1 4240 7945 2 Student Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to Define wellness in terms of basic health strategies including the identity and analysis of behaviors that relate to a healthy lifestyle and discuss methods available to assess behavioral change strategies related to health and wellness Describe basic anatomical and physiological functions and pathological conditions of the human body and their relation to health and the human environment Recall and interpret components of physical mental emotional environmental social and interpersonal aspects of health and wellness Comprehend and discuss current health issues with emphasis on preventative health care Evaluate the impact of psychoactive drugs alcohol and tobacco on physiological and psychological aspects of personal health and societal interaction Make sound decisions regarding healthcare practices and healthcare providers Evaluate the impact of environmental concerns and issues on individual and community health Attendance Attendance is expected Role will be taken by a sign in sheet which is often distributed at the end of class It is your responsibility to make sure you sign this sheet It is also essential to be present for the ENTIRE lecture Also please respect scheduled class breaks Leaving lecture early will result in a absence Four absences will result in a reduction of one letter grade NO EXCEPTIONS Grades Grades will be based a point system determined by the percentage you earn of the total possible class points Points will be based on your performance on assignments quizzes and exams There will be three lecture midterms exams worth 100 points each and a comprehensive final worth 200 points Four quizzes will be unannounced and take place during the first part of class Additional quizzes will be announced There will be no make up exams given except under extreme circumstances i e documented medical emergency I reserve the right to make the appropriate judgments THERE ARE NO MAKE UPS FOR QUIZZES Course grades will be assigned according to the following grade scale A 90 of the possible points B 80 89 of the possible points C 65 79 of the possible points D 55 64 of the possible points F 54 and Below of possible points Class Conduct Please turn off all beepers cell phones and watch alarms that make noise before coming into class as they are a serious distraction in college classes Please be respectful to the rights of your fellow classmates and your instructor I will not allow anyone to disrupt class by being late or talking amongst themselves Every student is paying for the right to be in class I will exercise the right to excuse or drop from class anyone who is a major disruption Have a small Scantron with you for every class just in case Drop Procedures If you are unable to complete the course for any reason you must complete the drop procedure by phone or on Webadvisor to be officially removed from the course Drops are not automatic and if a student leaves the course without completing the official drop procedures their name will appear on the final grade roster and they will receive a grade of F in the course Special Needs If you have a physical psychiatric emotional medical or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work I urge you to contact the staff in Disabled Student Services Office They will review your concerns and determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate All information and documentation is confidential Incomplete Grades An incomplete grade can be given only if the student has completed more than 70 of the course and there has been some documentable unforeseen emergency that prevents the student from finishing the class If a grade of incomplete is given it must be accompanied by an agreement between the student and instructor that specifically outlines the requirements to complete the course and the time limit for this completion Cheating Cheating on exams of course will not be tolerated Copying from other students test papers asking other students for help using notes of any kind books dictionaries or any electronic devices during exams are some examples of cheating During exams turn off cell phones and do not use headphones of any kind The first instant of cheating by a student will result in a grade of zero on that exam The second incident will result in suspension from the class What successful students should expect to do in this course Planning Time Successful students those who get A s and B s use their time wisely The standard formula for college coursework is that every one hour of class time will result in two to three hours of homework and or studying Successful students plan their time wisely so that they keep up with assignments This course contains an abundance of information and is somewhat detailed You cannot cram the night before an exam and expect to do well in any science course HES 1 Tuesday 615 9 00pm in West Quad Room 6 Course Topic Outline Date Topic Aug 30 Concept of Health and Wellness Ch 1 Psychological Health Ch 2 Sept 6 Stress The Stress Response and Stress Management Ch 3 The Nervous System I Sept 13 Nutrition Ch 5 The Digestive System Ch 5 Sept 20 Midterm Exam I First Hour Nervous System II and Addiction Sept 27 Tobacco Use and Abuse Ch 12 and Alcohol Use and Abuse Ch 13 Oct 4 Psychoactive Drugs Ch 11 Current Health Issues TBA Oct 11 Cancer Science Environmental Health Ch 14 Oct 18 Midterm Exam II First Hour

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RCC HES 1 - Syllabus

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