UD PSYC 207 - PSYC100_Lecture+21_Motivation_posted

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10 18 13 i clicker Given what you have learned about emotion theories which of the following would be the best date option to increase the likelihood that your date would feel attracted to you A watching a movie at the IMAX theatre B having a romantic dinner C walking at the beach during sunset D go rock climbing off a tall cliff What is motivation Factors that Energize Direct Persist Yerkes Dodson Law Drives arouse us to action so arousal is needed to lead to more motivation 1 10 18 13 Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation to do something for their own sake Extrinsic Motivation to do something because of a some external reward Offering extrinsic rewards is thought to undermine intrinsic motivation Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Motivation Lepper Greene Nisbett 1973 Extrinsically Motivated You can expect a Good Player Award During free play they spent significantly less time and were less interested in playing with the markers Unexpectedly Rewarded Intrinsically Motivated After drawing given a reward Did not get a reward or led to believe they would get a reward Motivation and Long Term Goals Delayed Gratification 2

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