ISU AECL 365 - Practice Exam

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11 12 SI A ECL 365 Communication 1 What are the five types of communication a Vocalization acoustic signals visual signals displays chemical olfactory signals tactile electrical 2 What is communication a The interaction between at least two individuals to transmit information includes a signaler and a receiver 3 usually alters behavior of the and individuals may roles a Signaler receiver reverse 4 Describe acoustic signals a Ideal for communicating over long distances easy to locate signals sent without need for sight important for social groups most are produced using lungs and larynx vocal cords fish swim bladder 5 In what ways can acoustic repertoire be modified a Intensity soft loud frequency Pitch timing complexity 6 True False Natural selection will favor signals that contrast with noise a True 7 What is an example of both abiotic and biotic environmental factors that may obscure signials a Abiotic rain waterfall wind b Biotic sounds of other animals 8 Why is it important to produce a signal that contrasts with unpredictable noise a Environmental interference may obscure signal rain wind etc Unpredictable temporal nature of interference 9 What is an example of a non vocal sound a Foot drumming in kangaroo rat b Mechanical sounds in manakins 10 Describe visual signals a Include color movement changes in posture b Effective at short distances easily located easily obstructed and highly dependent upon light 11 Visuals signals tend to be and a Simplified exaggerated and stereotyped 12 True False Natural selection favored development of markings that focus attention to the head a True 13 How is visual communication usually displayed in mammals a Facial expressions posture ears 14 What are types of chemical signals a Pheremones allomones urine feces scent glands 15 What characteristics of chemical signals a Simple messages b Effective day or night c Transmission may be inefficient d Difficult to locate 16 What are functions of scent marking with urine or feces a Marking territory marking self determining estrus bats feces attract individuals and help locate roost sites 17 Where can scent glands be found a Mouth eyes sex organs anus legs 18 What functions do scent glands serve a Attract newborns to pouches b Distinguishes species sexes individuals c Diverse odors diverse function i e g reproductive territorial alert danger 19 Describe olfactory communication in fish a Homing behavior b Can elicit escape prey responses in prey species i Pike odor in minnows ii Bear and other mammals in pacific salmon 20 Describe tactile signals a Short range b Through touching licking waves vibrations c Especially important in pre copulatory behaviors d Also important in parent offspring bonding e Primates especially developed grooming 21 Some can detect electric signals a Fish i e sharks 22 How do fish use electric signals a Navigate and communicate in turbid waters b Species and individual recognition c Courtship d Agonistic behaviors

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ISU AECL 365 - Practice Exam

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