UD COMM 212 - COMM 212 Syllabus Fall 2013

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COMM 212 Oral Communication In Business Fall 2013 Ms LaRose Course Instructor Email Monday 9 10 Instructor s Office Hours Phone NOTE Please check Sakai for your instructor s syllabus and course information Every effort is made to ensure consistency and adherence to the syllabus as written here but this is subject to change at any time during the course of the semester Unforeseen circumstances class negotiation and or timing of external or internal events may require adjustments to the syllabus Course Director Comm 212 Dr Tracey Quigley Holden Department of Communication 248 Pearson Hall tqholden udel edu REQUIRED TEXT MATERIALS Required textbooks Valenzano Joseph M Stephen W Braden and Melissa A Brockelman Post The Speaker s Primer Carlsbad CA Fountainhead Press 2013 ISBN 978 1 59871620 7 Course Pack for Comm 212 available at Lieberman s Bookstore You must also have access to our UD course website at http sakai udel edu You need to check Sakai daily your instructor may assign materials or coursework on that site On the Comm 212 Sakai site you will find an abundance of required and very useful course materials including online quizzes messaging access to your instructor the most current syllabus preliminary guidelines for your speeches templates for your outlines and evaluation forms for your presentations Take the time to get familiar with the site resources they are essential to your course performance All Comm 212 students are required to register with the Oral Communication Fellows the speech coaching program in the Department of Communication You can find the OCF registration here http www udel edu communication activities oralcomm html Additional Course Activities As a student in Comm 212 you are eligible to compete in the Now Hear This UD public speaking contest held in the Spring You will have at least two opportunities to earn extra credit our Fall Speaker in October and the Department of Communication Fall Food Drive to collect food and donations for the Delaware Food Bank You will be required to write about at least one speaker s presentation during the semester responding and reacting to the speaker their delivery and the substance of the presentation There are a variety of speakers and events on campus and in the community check the local paper the UDaily events calendar and make use of other public information sources to locate such speakers Course description Comm 212 Oral Communication for Business is intended to develop your knowledge of and facility with the requirements of speaking in a professional context The course includes an analysis of the types and principles of the communication inherent in business and professional settings a concentration upon the development of presentational skills techniques for analyzing audiences questioning researching supporting organizing and delivering information and the opportunity to develop and present materials individually within small groups and in public contexts Course Objectives After completing this course you should be better able to do the following 1 Deliver clear and effective public presentations 2 Understand and utilize informative and persuasive strategies in oral presentations 3 Locate interpret evaluate and use information in oral presentations 4 Generate and utilize appropriate visual aids and audience analysis measures 5 Effectively critique public presentations 6 Understand and apply the basic tenets of business oriented public speaking COURSE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ATTENDANCE PARTICIPATION Very Important Since this is a course in communication competency your regular attendance and participation is expected Participation is evaluated separately from attendance PARTICIPATION Participation is not simply being present in class you must be an active appropriate and contributing class citizen You are expected to keep up with all assigned readings and review of materials in preparation for class to actively participate in all discussions and activities and to make a serious effort to apply your knowledge to the assignments Moreover as the mission of UD includes welcoming and respecting all people it is important that our classroom community treat all members with respect for their individual human dignity This includes support for a positive learning environment and classroom climate avoidance of unnecessary disruption and inclusive language and behavior A significant part of your progress and improvement depends on observing other students in the class Part of your participation grade will depend on your role as an audience member Moreover you are likely to find that you learn a great deal from your classmates as they give their speeches Please note that participation and attendance combined account for 10 of your final grade Therefore it behooves you to attend class and to participate as noted above Specific descriptions of appropriate participation are in the file Grading Criteria in Sakai link Grading Criteria Because entering the classroom late disturbs others and the educational process lateness will count against participation Two late entries will be equivalent to one absence If you are late please enter the room quietly If you are late on a speaking day WAIT until you hear applause before you enter PENALTIES for ABSENCES To reiterate you are expected to attend every class session You are allowed TWO 2 free absences over the course of the semester Each absence beyond the first two 2 will result in a loss of 10 points from your semester grade total Absences on speaking days result in a 25 point penalty see details below To avoid receiving any absence related penalty read and heed the information below very carefully Your free absences are for minor illnesses unexpected travel delays flat tires doctor s appointments or similar non emergency short term situations Use them wisely and prudently Please read the explanation of excused absences below It is the student s responsibility to make sure that the instructor has marked the student present If you come in to class late or after attendance has been taken be sure to talk to your instructor in person before you leave the room to make sure you were marked present At their discretion instructors may mark students with excessive tardiness as absent Excessive tardiness is defined as 2 late entries or entering class more than 15 minutes past the starting time At their discretion instructors may mark students engaging in disruptive behavior as absent

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UD COMM 212 - COMM 212 Syllabus Fall 2013

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