UD COMM 212 - Report+Speech+and+Outline+Assignment

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The REPORT SPEECH and OUTLINE The purpose of the report speech and outline is to begin developing your business speaking skills specifically the ability to identify and articulate key information from another source This is accomplished by finding articles about a current topic of your choice and constructing a 3 to 4 minute speech which succinctly and accurately reports the information you have discovered about that topic The assignment requirements are as follows 1 Your topic must be based on reports from two 2 articles from major newspapers or newsmagazine Ideally your topic or current event is dated within the past two weeks You may use other sources as supplemental material only in addition to your two articles 2 Wikipedia blogs twitter feeds social media pages etc are not acceptable as your primary sources 3 You must attach to your outline the articles on which your presentation is based NOTE One of your articles must be obtained through the Morris Library Database system via Lexis Nexis Academic Search or similar database indexing current periodicals 4 You must type your outline and indicate which database you used to find the articles 5 You must use the format provided for the structure of your outline Each item in the outline is ONE complete sentence Do not use fragments phrases or single words 6 Double check your grammar spelling punctuation etc 7 When presenting your speech you are allowed no more than TWO 3x5 notecards If you have any questions don t understand the requirements or need other assistance please talk to 2 Sakai message or go see your instructor Name Topic Name Topic 3 Title I Introduction A Attention Getter one descriptive sentence such as I will use a question B Relevancy to Audience one sentence C Thesis Statement one sentence D Preview of Main Points one sentence E Transition one sentence II Main Point Summary Statement one sentence III Main Point Summary Statement one sentence IV Conclusion A Review of main points one sentence B Restatement of thesis one sentence C Mnemonic device attention keeper one sentence Works Cited with complete references for the major source articles noting which database they were retrieved from Attach the front first page ONLY of each article used

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UD COMM 212 - Report+Speech+and+Outline+Assignment

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