UD COMM 212 - Information Literacy Exercise

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Visual Aids can be used 1 What is the topic of your presentation The Topic for my presentation is the galaxy gear watch and smart watches in general 2 Who is your audience and what should they gain from listening to your presentation My audience is fellow students whether they are tech savvy or not I think that Students will gain an understanding of how fast we are progressing with Technological innovation I hope they also see how quickly the world will be moving Looking into the future 3 What types of evidence do you think will most appeal to your audience and best support your topic Why NOTE Evidence may include statistics expert analyses visual media current news government reports or scholarly papers I think that visual media and current news will most appeal to my audience and support my Topic because it is something that needs to be seen to be understood and in order to properly advertise my topic all of its functions need to be seen to be believed 4 Which database s from the Morris Library s website would you use to find those types of evidence NOTE For help refer to the Database Navigator Tool in the tutorial I already used LexisNexis to locate a news article describing the device I think that I need to Look into trying to find a database which shows scholarly or credible videos on the actual use Of the device in order to grasp the audience s attention 1 5 Brainstorm some possible keywords to use in your database search Smart Watch Galaxy Samsung Nike Fuel Band Technology Future Portable 6 Next perform a search in one of the online databases Once you find a source you would like to use in your presentation create its reference below using APA style EXAMPLE Chong J 2006 Fast Food restaurants play a role in obesity Nation s Health 36 9 38 38 Retrieved August 24 2007 from the Academic Search Premier database Cottrell C 2013 Samsung Unveils Galaxy Gear Smartwatch New York Times Retrieved September 7 2013 from the LexisNexis Academic database 7 What type of evidence is the source you have selected NOTE Evidence may include statistics expert analyses visual media current news government reports or scholarly papers The evidence from the source that I selected is Current news because it was literally published Less than 7 days ago 8 Describe how your source holds up to each of the following evaluation criteria NOTE For help refer to the Evaluating Sources section of the tutorial Reliability This source is reliable because I first used the LexisNexis database which the library has on their website as a credible research database Furthermore the New York Times is a well established publication and has many years to back itself up Accuracy I can tell that this information is being accurately reported because it is an informative article And does nothing more than report what they heard It is accurate because all new york Times articles are reviewed before being published 2 Currency The source was printed in the last 7 days and therefore is extremely current information Bias There is really no bias because the reporter gives two sides to almost every aspect He Compares cost with features and says that the product is a great idea but that you do need A phone to pair it with but at the same time it could be the future of technology Context The source was published in the technology section of the new york times and therefore it Is being used as how I would like it to be used rather than being published in the fashion Section or something along those lines 3

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UD COMM 212 - Information Literacy Exercise

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