UD COMM 212 - course schedule

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Course Schedule Comm 212 Fall 2013 DATE ACTIVITY ASSIGNMENT READINGS Wed 28 Aug ORIENTATION OVERVIEW OF COURSE Introductory Speech Assigned Course pack Syllabus on Sakai Fri 30 Aug Introductory Speeches ASDF Week 1 Week 2 2 Sept Labor Day Holiday NO Class 4 Sept Public Speaking Core Competency and Ethics Report Speech Information Literacy 1 Assigned P Ch 1 3 Alcidamas pp 276283 6 Sept Speech Essentials Company Team and Memo 1 Assigned Quiz 1 Open P Chs 2 9 Week 3 9 Sept Finding Your Information P Chs 5 6 11 Sept Finding Your Audience Info Literacy 1 DUE P Chs 4 7 13 Sept Delivery Essentials Quiz 2 Open Explain Engage Speech Assigned P Chs 18 19 16 Sept Report Speeches DUE Report Speech Outline Hard Copy in Class 18 Sept Report Speeches 20 Sept Report Speeches Quiz 1 Closed 23 Sept Informative Speaking Explain and Engage Explained DUE Peer Critique 1 Info Literacy 2 Assigned 25 Sept Civil Speech and Controversy 27 Sept Informative Speaking Evidence and Support Week 4 Week 5 P Ch 13 Abbott Ch 2 Public Poison DUE Team Memo 1 Quiz 2 Closed P Ch 8 Welcome to the Morris Library Week 6 30 Sept 2 Oct Informative Speaking Organization Magic 7 Informative Speaking Pulling it All Together P Ch 10 DUE Information Literacy 2 Quiz 2 Closed P Ch 11 Presentation Aids Delivery II Team Memo 2 Assigned SSC 1 Quiz 3 Open P Ch 16 7 Oct Engaged Listening Preliminary Participation Grades Posted Listening Skills Ch4F 9 Oct Explain Engage Speeches Due Explain Engage Speech Outline Hardcopy in Class 11 Oct Explain Engage Speeches 4 Oct Week 7 Week 8 14 Oct Explain Engage Speeches 16 Oct Explain Engage Speeches 18 Oct Explain Engage Speeches Quiz 3 Closed MidTerm Evaluations Open Week 9 21 Oct Persuasive Speaking Due Peer Critique 2 Memo 3 Assigned P Ch 14 23 Oct Advocating an Idea Quiz 4 Open TEDTalks CellPhone 25 Oct Team Workshop Due Team Memo 2 P Ch 12 Booth et al SSC 2 Quiz 4 Closed P Ch 17 Six Pitches Week 10 28 Oct Crafting an Argument 30 Oct Pitching a Plan 1 Nov Language Ethics and Persuasion Week 11 4 Nov Language and Style 6 Nov Pitch Speeches 8 Nov Pitch Speeches Hall Style Due Pitch Speech Outline Week 12 11 Nov Pitch Speeches 13 Nov Pitch Speeches 15 Nov Pitch Speeches DUE Peer Critique 3 18 Nov Effective Teamwork Due Outside Speaker Critique P Ch 20 HBR Monkey 20 Nov Leadership and Communication Due Team Memo 3 CEO Communication 22 Nov EXAM Week 13 Week 14 25 Nov Team Workshop 27 Nov Thanksgiving Holiday No Class 29 Nov Thanksgiving Holiday No Class Week 15 2 Dec Team Presentations 4 Dec Final Team Presentations and Team Evaluation 5 Dec Reading Day No UD Classes DUE Team Packet

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UD COMM 212 - course schedule

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