UD COMM 212 - Comm notes

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8 28 Bring in an item to speak about for Friday Attention getter some way clever funny to gain attention and listeners State your thesis tell everyone what you re talking about Developing your points back up what you are saying Finalize wrap it up with strength do not just cut it short 8 30 Read chapters 1 3 Report speech page 8 of syllabus 9 23 13 chronological order of events cause and effect explain something and then causes blah blah blah spacial how things relate to one another explain and engage needs to follow regular pattern Goals and strategies for informative speeches Transaction model Pictures project idea or object Explain and Engage Speech Expain the fact Tell why its important Tell what is being done to change this fact Find an organization that is working on this exact problem 9 25 13 unproductive discourse argumentative lack of listening desire to win productive discourse listening learning trust commonality obstacles to productive communication cable news because of 24 hour news cycle incivility as a strategy for many politicians they are looking to do personal tax and better gain themselves by poking holes in others arguments political arena society the way that we all communicate and gain information causes unproductive communication We don t go out and look for information on our own credibility objectivity of article source is there bias observational capacity firsthand account or 8thhand account check author publication and authors credentials is it a blog website google search name for credibility what is the purpose of this site advertising products selling something will make information more biased currency of site and date of creation skepticism doesn t identify itself or its purpose unsubstantiated claims information has become out of date different types of evidence that can be used for a speech examples hypotheticals etc make sure examples are supporting what you re actually trying to say statistics mean median mode testimonies personal account of something peer testimony not an expert on the topic expert testimony 9 30 Speech Topic 10 One in five of the world s people lives on less than 1 a day 10 2 Informative speeches Intro Attention getter Relevancy Credibility State argument Preview points Attention Interesting statistic Personal story Rhetorical questions Ask an audience a question Simple questions Relevancy Why should we care Argument One sentence saying exactly what the speech is about Signpost next and then Previews Summarize After talking about now im going to talk about Conclusion Provide a summary and give a final statement Restate thesis Provide main points Remind people why they care Final statement Attention getter again MAKE PEOPLE REMEMBER YOUR SPEECH

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UD COMM 212 - Comm notes

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