MIT 9 14 - Quiz 5 as Homework

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Quiz 5 as Homework 1 When an axon is growing membrane has to be added Where is this done in the neuron and how 2 What are trk receptors Write a short paragraph focusing on trkA noting how it functions in development You can use a web search or other sources but use your own words to write a brief answer 3 Describe an example of innervation dependent neuronal survival 4 Axon regeneration in the mature mammalian CNS does not generally occur without special treatments Briefly describe two treatments that have been used successfully with small animals MIT OpenCourseWare http ocw mit edu 9 14 Brain Structure and Its Origins Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use visit http ocw mit edu terms

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MIT 9 14 - Quiz 5 as Homework

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