UD COMM 212 - Explain and engage speech outline

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Name Rob Moores 1 in 5 people lives on less than a dollar a day I Introduction A Attention Getter one sentence how many of you think you could live on a dollar or less every day Well that s the reality for 1 out of every 5 people in the world B Relevancy to Audience one sentence This isn t just happening in third world countries and this doesn t even take into account those who are impoverished in the united states because we declare the poverty line at less than 10 a day shah 2013 C Thesis Statement one sentence Today I hope that you all take away that this is a real issue and that just because these people are in other countries it doesn t make them any less of a person than you or I D Preview of Main Points one sentence I want to go into depth about the true statistics then give a few examples of what life is really like living on such a low daily income and then I ll talk to you guys about a few organizations that are working to turn this issue around E Transition one sentence so lets start with the truth and accuracy of the numbers that support this fact II Main Point Summary Statement one sentence According to the global poverty project and an article from global issues org the true daily spending is between 1 25 and 1 45 when adjusted for inflation shah 2013 Keep in mind this value refers to 1 4 Billion people according to the global poverty project global poverty project 2012 A SO what Well think about what you could do with 1 25 or even 1 45 Not much at all B In the U S this number is around 10 00 a day Transition one sentence Now that you have an idea of what your income would be if you were in poverty lets see how far your dollar goes III Main Point Summary Statement Question 1 one sentence For the purposes of this explanation I m going to start with the figure of someone impoverished in the United States living on less than 10 00 a day A For 10 you could walk into the dollar store and buy yourself a few boxes of cereal maybe a gallon or two of water and then you re left with 5 dollars Next you walk to wal mart and buy a t shirt and a pair of jeans and you re out of money google 2013 B Now we re going to take a trip to Sierra Leone a 5417 5 leones sounds like a lot right b A 5lb bag of rice costs 5 675 leones c According to an article from concern worldwide inc a 50kg or 100lb bag of rice is about 125 000 leones concern usa 2012 Transition one sentence So now that you have a small glimpse into the stark differences between poverty in the US and poverty abroad we can look into what is being done about alleviating poverty these days IV Main Point Summary Statement Question 2 one sentence so who is helping A The global poverty project is one of the largest organizations completely dedicated to the cause of starting community building projects to jump start local communities out of poverty B Volunteers can choose to participate through fundraising or going to one of these sites global poverty project 2012 Transition I hope that you all have a firm grasp on what poverty is truly like Although we think about how little a dollar is worth to us we should think about how that dollar is worth 5 000 to someone else V Conclusion A Review of main points one sentence In review I went over how statistics can be flawed and in order to truly understand the extent of this poverty you need to put yourself in someone else s shoes and finally you can always help B Restatement of thesis one sentence I hope that after you guys listened to my speech you realize that you SHOULD care because these are real people real facts and this is a real issue Name Rob Moores C Mnemonic device attention keeper one sentence all it takes is a dollar a day to make someone s pain go away

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UD COMM 212 - Explain and engage speech outline

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