UD COMM 212 - Pitch outline

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Rob Moores International Adoption Page 1 Re Vamping International Adoptions I Introduction Gain Attention A Attention Getter one sentence Health deficiencies developmental problems and depression All many of the effects surrounding a child left in orphanages for extended periods of time B Relevancy to Audience one sentence I don t know about you all but I was adopted from Russia and I was lucky because not many kids are as fortunate as I am C Thesis Statement one sentence We need to knock down the barriers of cost and international relations associated with international adoption D Preview of Main Points one sentence I want to start with the problems surrounding the institutionalization of children then I ll explain why we can t just go out and adopt all of the kids in the world today and then I will finish with a proposal of how to make it easier E Transition one sentence Institutionalization That s what it s referred to when children are placed in an orphanage II Main Point Significance Summary Statement one sentence We need to get children out of these Institutions and at least into foster care A Description of the current situation and harms being done one sentence children are growing up with psychological and even physical defects from lack of parents 1 study conducted from 1999 until now on 166 children placed in institutions Rob Moores International Adoption Page 2 and foster care Vaughn July 31 2013 2 Developmental issues can result from extended institutionalization of children Nalven 2013 B Explain why this is important We are all affected by this because eventually these are going to be the people in our society one sentence 1 Russia has closed its doors to international adoptions because of the lack of respect among uninformed American parents C Transition one sentence This is a terrible and depressing situation but it s also not a quick and easy fix We need to look at our obstacles first III Main Point Inherency Barriers to Change Summary Statement one sentence First and foremost the cost of adoption is astronomical A Explain why the situation has not changed one sentence this situation has been very stagnant and has gotten worse in the past few years because many parents who wish to adopt are hesitant due to costs and international barriers such as Russian banning 1 Along with these costs parents are uninformed about the condition of these children upon adoption and only realize after they get them back to the united States Jayson 2013 2 according to NACAC there is a tax credit that can be offered to offset some of the costs but it offers a max of 10 000 The cost of adoption could still be upwards of 50 000 even with this tax credit nacac 2013 Rob Moores International Adoption Page 3 B Explain how these barriers can be removed or changed one sentence these barriers can t be changed with one single action It needs to be a two front change 1 The condition of a child in an orphanage is unpredictable because of the problems I spoke of earlier Hughes 2013 2 We need to work on informing parents of the different countries where adoptions are more popular or difficult We also need to work on picking up the pace on reforming international adoption programs by solidifying the origin of children abroad i e smuggled children Swarms 2013 C Transition one sentence Now on to the actual plans IV Main Point Solvency Plan Summary Statement one sentence Foster care and price evening A Describe the solution you propose one sentence the plan I propose is an increase in the ease of foster care and adoption as well as a drop in the cost of adoptions by decreasing government filing fees as well as other fees associated with the process 1 children placed in foster care are much better off than when in orphanages 2 the cost of adoptions needs to be more standardized rather than having a range have a number B Describe the results of your plan one sentence 1 through the foster care process children will be in a family setting and suffer fewer of the effects of institutionalization making them better candidates for Rob Moores International Adoption Page 4 adoption which will allow the parents to therefore be more informed and the lower cost will attract new parents who couldn t participate before C Transition one sentence I know it s a lot of information to swallow but just think about the benefits you could receive from these children that V Conclusion A Review of main points one sentence So I started with the issue of the psychological and mental problems associated with institutionalization the barriers to immediate action and a potential long term action B Restatement of thesis one sentence We need to knock down these barriers through foster care and the decreasing of the costs associated with adoption C Ask your audience to take specific action one sentence You can take immediate action now by either talking to your local politician about lobbying for legislation in Washington DC or you can take a larger step by potentially fostering a child from even a local orphanage All it takes is one child We can turn this problem full circle with time Rob Moores International Adoption Page 5 Works Cited Hughes Virginia The Orphanage Problem Phenomena Only Human National Geographic 31 July 2013 nationalgeographic com Web 5 Nov 2013 NACAC Adoption Tax Credit NACAC Adoption Tax Credit Web 5 Nov 2013 http www nacac org taxcredit taxcredit html Nalven MD Lisa The Impact of Early Orphanage Live on Development Valley Health System Valley Health System Web 5 Nov 2013 http www valleyhealth com adoption aspx id 178 Swarns Rachel L American Adoptions From Abroad at Their Lowest Level in Years The New York Times World 24 Jan 2013 NYtimes com Web 5 Nov 2013 Voigt Kevin and Brown Sophie International adoptions in decline as number of orphans grows CNN Cable News Network 17 Sept 2013 Web 5 Nov 2013 http www cnn com 2013 09 16 world international adoption main story decline

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UD COMM 212 - Pitch outline

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