TAMU ASTR 109 - Lecture 08

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Big g Bang ang Black ac Holes No Math Holes ASTR PHYS AS R PHYS 109 09 Dr Dav David d Toback oback Lectures 7 8 Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 1 Prep For Today is now due L8 Reading BBBHNM Unit 2 was already due Pre Lecture Reading Questions Unit 1 Revision if needed Let me know if you think you were misgraded g 2 L Let me m know if f you y Unit 2 Stage think you were misgraded End of Chapter Quizzes Chapter 5 Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 2 Heads Up Paper 1 What is the evidence for Dark Matter This will be the h topic of f Paper 1 Big Bang Black Holes No Math In order to understand d t d th the evidence we next talk about Dark Matter Will be due 1 week after we finish Chapter 6 Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 4 Papers in CPR Schedule Schedule is Like PLRQ since it is in CPR Each Paper has 4 or 6 Steps 1 Mentioned after we start the chapter just did that g after we finish the chapter p 2 Assigned 3 Submit text 1 week later Stage 1 4 Calibrations Reviews Self Assessment due the week after ft that th t Stage St 2 5 Revision optional Stage 1 due one week later 6 If you did a Stage 1 6 1 Calibrations Reviews SelfAssessment due one week after that Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 5 Style of the Paper Explain it to someone who isn t taking the class no jargon 600 words This is the equivalent of b th side both id of f a sheet h t of f paper double d bl spaced No citations Use your own words Text should be p professional f You are trusted guide not a buddy or comedian Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 6 Paper Format Must follow expected Format Usually U ll 5 paragraphs h Needs N d Introduction paragraph 1 paragraph per piece of evidence 3 total Conclusion paragraph that ties it together http faculty physics tamu edu tobac k 109 WritingAssignments samplepaper Big Bang Black Physics We Need shtml 7 Holes No Math Topic 2 Gravity Help Available for Stage I Submit a draft for feedback from the TA Submit on eCampus in Rough Drafts O ti Optional l Drafts due Friday at midnight If you submit late we can try to give feedback but we can t g f guarantee it We also recommend going to the writing center Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 8 Biggest reason people don t do well 1 Read ALL the instructions on CPR See the FAQ on papers 2 Don t forget to submit to t turnitin com iti Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 9 Best Guess Schedule Paper Paper Paper P Paper Paper 1 2 3 4 4 Text Text Text T xt Text due due due d due 10 1 Ch 6 10 15 Ch 8 11 1 Ch 12 11 15 Ch 17 Honors Stage 0 not in CPR Due 10 6 Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 10 Outline for Unit 2 Physics We Need Topics 1 Light and Doppler Shifts Done y General Relativity y and Dark 2 Gravity Matter Today 3 Atomic Physics and Quantum 3 Mechanics After that 4 Nuclear Physics and Chemistry 4 5 Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 11 Why Gravity Next By looking at photons light we can l learn about b t things thi h here on Earth E th as well as about inner outer space What else do we need to describe understand the Universe Quantum Mechanics and Gravity To T understand d d the h answer to these h questions we need to learn more Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 12 The Two Great Theories General Relativity Chapter 6 Gravity Predictions about the very large from f m sizes of f a f few meters to the size of the universe 1024 miles across Chapter 7 Quantum Mechanics P di i Predictions about b the h very small atoms particles 10 10 m particles 10 Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 13 Overview of Gravity for the Course 1 What s so important about Gravity 2 Newton s 2 Newton s Gravity 3 Einstein s Gravity Curved Curved SpaceSpace Time and evidence for it with Dark Matter Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 14 Gravity Why do we care Gravity The great attraction in the Universe Gravity is the theory that predicts the attraction and the motion of BIG things over large distances Planets Suns Galaxies How Galaxies form etc Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 15 Newton and Gravity 1 Everything moves in a straight line unless acted upon by a force 2 Gravity is a force Every object in the universe attracts every other object in the universe The further the distance between the objects the smaller ll th the attraction tt ti The bigger the mass the bigger the attraction Light is massless not Big Bang Black Physics We Need by gravity Holes Noaffected Math Topic 2 Gravity Physics 201 or 218 16 Large Number of Scales Kinda amazing Gravity covers the attraction between An apple near the Earth The Earth and the Moon The Earth and the Sun The Sun and our galaxy Our galaxy and the universe Every y particle p in the universe and an apple The Earth and you Bevo and Reveille Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 17 Gravity continued The force of Gravity makes the Moon fall towards the E Earth h Call this an orbit Does a great job of f explaining xpl inin h how Without gravity the the planets move Moon would fly off into around the h Sun space and ignore the Big Bang Black Physics We Need Holes No Math Topic 2 Gravity Earth 18 completely What s next Tell you the different and surprising way that Einstein describes space time and gravity Then h tell ll why h his h description d of f why the Earth goes around the Sun is better than Newton s Big Bang Black Holes No Math Physics We Need Topic 2 Gravity 19 Einstein in the 1910 s In the early 1910 s Einstein was thinking about some recentt experimental i t l results lt that didn t make any sense to him using g Newton s theories Decided we need new ways of thinking about space space time and Gravity Einstein says that Newton s L Laws aren t t really ll quite it right E Einstein s nst n s …

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TAMU ASTR 109 - Lecture 08

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