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Triangulation of Monotone Polygon Triangulating a monotone polygon introduction The algorithm to triangulate a monotone polygon depends on its monotonicity Developed in 1978 by Garey Johnson Preparata and Tarjan it is described in both Preparata pp 239 241 1985 and Laszlo pp 128 135 1996 The former uses y monotone polygons the latter uses x monotone Initialization Sort the N vertices of monotone polygon P in order by decreasing y coordinate Here N is the number of vertices of P not S The sort can be done in O N time not O N log N by merging the two monotone chains of P Let u1 u2 uN be the sorted sequence of vertices so y u1 y u2 y uN Because of the regularization process and the monotonicity of P for every ui 1 i N there exists uj 1 j N such that edge uiuj is an edge of P Proximity Constrained triangulation Description of the processing The algorithm processes one vertex at a time in order of decreasing y coordinate creating diagonals of polygon P Each diagonal bounds a triangle and leaves a polygon with one less side still to be triangulated Stack The algorithm uses a stack to store vertices that have been visited but not yet connected with a diagonal The stack content is v1 v2 vi where v1 is the bottom and vi the top of the stack At any time during the execution there are two invariants 1 The vertices v1 v2 vi on the stack from a chain on the boundary of P where y v1 y v2 y vi 2 If i 3 angle vjvj 1vj 2 for 1 j i 2 Proximity Constrained triangulation Algorithm By adjacent we mean connected by an edge in P Recall that v1 is the bottom of the stack vi is the top 1 2 3 4 Push u1 and u2 on the stack j 3 j is index of current vertex u uj Case i u is adjacent to v1 but not vi add diagonals uv2 uv3 uvi pop vi vi 1 v1 from stack push vi u on stack Case ii u is adjacent to vi but not v1 while i 1 and angle uvivi 1 add diagonal uvi 1 pop vi from stack endwhile push u Case iii u adjacent to both v1 and vi add diagonals uv2 uv3 uvi 1 exit 5 j j 1 Go to step 3 Proximity Constrained triangulation Algorithm cases Case i u is adjacent to v1 but not vi v1 v2 v3 v4 vi top of stack u Case ii u is adjacent to vi but not v1 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 vi top of stack u Case iii u adjacent to both v1 and vi v1 v2 v3 u v4 vi top of stack Proximity Constrained triangulation Example 1 v1 v1 v2 v2 v3 u u 2 Case ii 1 initial v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 u v2 u 3 Case ii 4 Case i Proximity Constrained triangulation Example 2 v1 v1 v2 v2 u v3 u 5 Case ii 6 Case ii v1 v1 v2 v2 v3 v4 v3 u 7 Case ii 8 Case ii u Proximity Constrained triangulation Example 3 9 Case iii 10 final Proximity Constrained triangulation Proof of correctness The correctness of the algorithm depends on the fact that all the added diagonals lie inside the polygon P For details see Preparata pp 240 241 or Laszlo pp 134 135 Analysis of triangulating a monotone polygon The initial sort merge requires O N time Each of the N vertices is visited and placed on the stack exactly once except when the while fails in case ii This happens at most once per vertex so that time can be charged to the current vertex The algorithm requires O N time to triangulate a monotone polygon where N is the number of vertices of the polygon Proximity Constrained triangulation S E 1 Inscribe S in minimum enclosing axis parallel rectangle O N PSLG rect S S E 2 Regularize rect S S E O N log N Regularized rect S S E Each region within regularized rect S S E is a monotone polygon 3 Decompose regularized rect S S E into monotone polygons O N Monotone polygon 4 Triangulate monotone polygons O N Triangulation of rect S Overall comments O N log N regularization dominates time O N for triangulating all monotone polygons here N is the number of vertices in S and rect S We know TRIANGULATION has lower bound in N log N This algorithm is optimal N log N Proximity Triangulating a simple polygon Definitions In a simple polygon edges intersect only at vertices and non adjacent edges do not intersect Three consecutive vertices a b c of a polygon form an ear of the polygon if segment ac is a diagonal b is the ear tip Meister s Two Ears Theorem Every polygon with N 4 vertices has at least two nonoverlapping ears Proximity Triangulating a simple polygon Example simple polygon with ears c ear a b Proximity Triangulating a simple polygon Triangulation by otectomy See O Rourke pp 39 46 Let P be a simple polygon with vertices p1 p2 pN 1 if N 3 2 for each potential ear diagonal pipi 2 3 if pipi 2 is a diagonal 4 add diagonal pipi 2 5 recurse on P pi 1 6 endif 7 endfor 8 endif Analysis Step 2 is O N search around P Step 3 is a test for diagonal by checking for intersections O N Step 5 can occur at most O N times Overall time required is O N3 Proximity Triangulating a simple polygon Example p12 p5 7 p11 2 8 p13 p10 10 9 p7 p15 11 p14 12 p16 p9 p8 13 4 14 p4 5 p17 15 p18 3 p6 1 6 p2 p3 p1 Numbers indicate sequence in which diagonals were added

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UCF COT 5520 - Triangulation of Monotone Polygon

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