TAMU COMM 335 - Intercultural Relationships
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I High culture II Low culture III Popular culture IV Folk culture V Imperialism VI Cultural imperialism VII Active Resistance VIII Representations IX Popular culture and stereotyping X Global circulation of images commodities Outline of Current Lecture I Why do we form relationships II Intercultural relationships III Benefits of intercultural relationships IV Challenges of intercultural relationships V 4 phases of relationship development Current Lecture I Why do we form relationships compatibility is central issue in many cultures These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Intercultural relationships relationships that are formed between individuals from different cultures a For people with mixed cultural backgrounds nearly all are relationships are intercultural b Most people have intercultural relationships at some level of intimacy c Intercultural relations offer insights into interesting differences and similarities III Benefits of intercultural relationships a Acquiring knowledge about the world b Breaking stereotypes c Acquiring new skills IV Challenges of intercultural relationships a In early stages the differences are greater than the similarities b Alienation c Negative stereotyping d Overcoming anxieties based on previous interaction and stereotypes e Need for explanation f V Require more care and feeding than non intercultural relationships 4 phases of relationship development a Initial attraction Need to be attracted to each other Proximity Physical attraction Similarity Complementarity b Orientation phase individuals are getting to know each other Different cultural rules on how to address strangers High and low context communication In high contexts cultures relationships will not easily develop without background or contextual information c Exploratory phase try to learn more about each other talking about non intimate things The term friend may have different meanings for different groups There are similarities and differences in the characteristics people feel are important in friendships In close relationships differences in what is seen as important was found a Latinos emphasized relational support b Asian Americans emphasized a caring positive exchange of ideas c African Americans emphasized respect and acceptance d Anglo Americans emphasized recognizing the needs of the individual d Stability phase few relationships move to this phase we get to know people better rely more on idiosyncratic information interaction is more intense

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TAMU COMM 335 - Intercultural Relationships

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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