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Chapter 13 The Data Warehouse Database Systems Design Implementation and Management Fifth Edition Rob and Coronel In this chapter you will learn How operational data and decision support differ What a data warehouse is and how its data are prepared What star schemas are and how they are constructed What steps are required to implement a data warehouse successfully What data mining is and what role it plays in decision support 2 The Need for Data Analysis External and internal forces require tactical and strategic decisions Search for competitive advantage Business environments are dynamic Decision making cycle time is reduced Different managers require different decision support systems DSS 3 Decision Support Systems Decision Support Is a methodology Extracts information from data Uses information as basis for decision making 4 Decision Support Systems Decision support system DSS Arrangement of computerized tools Used to assist managerial decision Extensive data massaging to produce information Used at all levels in organization Tailored to focus on specific areas and needs Interactive Provides ad hoc query tools 5 DSS Components Figure 13 1 6 Operational vs Decision Support Data Operational data Relational normalized database Optimized to support transactions Real time updates DSS Snapshot of operational data Summarized Large amounts of data Data analyst viewpoint Timespan Granularity Dimensionality 7 The DSS Database Requirements Database schema Support complex non normalized data Extract multidimensional time slices Data extraction and filtering End user analytical interface Database size Very large databases VLDBs Contains redundant and duplicated data 8 Data Warehouse Integrated Centralized Holds data retrieved from entire organization Subject Oriented Optimized to give answers to diverse questions Used by all functional areas Time Variant Flow of data through time Projected data Non Volatile Data never removed Always growing 9 Creating a Data Warehouse Figure 13 3 10 Data Marts Single subject data warehouse subset Decision support to small group Can be test for exploring potential benefits of Data warehouses Address local or departmental problems 11 DSS Architectural Styles Traditional mainframe based OLTP Managerial information system MIS with 3GL First generation departmental DSS First generation enterprise data warehouse using RDBMS Second generation data warehouse using MDBMS 12 Twelve Data Warehouse Rules 1 Separated from operational environment 2 Data are integrated 3 Contains historical data over long time horizon 4 Snapshot data captured at given time 5 Subject oriented data 6 Mainly read only data with periodic batch updates from operational source no online updates 7 Development life cycle differs from classical one data driven not process 13 driven Twelve Data Warehouse Rules 8 Contains different levels of data detail Current and old detail Lightly and highly summarized 9 Characterized by read only transactions to large data sets 10 Environment has system to trace data resources transformation and storage 11 Metadata critical components Identify and define data elements Provide the source transformation integration storage usage relationships and history of data elements 12 Contains charge back mechanism for usage Enforces optimal use of data 14 Online Analytical Processing OLAP Advanced data analysis environment Supports decision making business modeling and operations research activities Characteristics of OLAP Use multidimensional data analysis techniques Provide advanced database support Provide easy to use end user interfaces Support client server architecture 15 OLAP Client Server Architecture Figure 13 6 16 OLAP Server Arrangement Figure 13 7 17 OLAP Server with Multidimensional Data Store Arrangement Figure 13 8 18 OLAP Server with Local Mini Data Marts Figure 13 9 19 Relational OLAP ROLAP OLAP functionality Uses relational DB query tools Extensions to RDBMS Multidimensional data schema support Data access language and query performance optimized for multidimensional data Support for very large databases VLDBs 20 Typical ROLAP Client Server Architecture Figure 13 10 21 Multidimensional OLAP MOLAP OLAP functionality to multidimensional databases MDBMS Stored data in multidimensional data cube N dimensional cubes called hypercubes Cube cache memory speeds processing Affected by how the database system handles density of data cube called sparsity 22 Star Schema Data modeling technique Maps multidimensional decision support into relational database Yield model for multidimensional data analysis while preserving relational structure of operational DB 23 Star Schema Four Components Facts The numeric measures representing a specific business activity Derived facts metrics Dimensions The qualifying characteristics Time location product etc Attributes Descriptive attributes about the facts Attribute hierarchies Top down data organization Ex Year quarter month week date 24 Simple Star Schema Figure 13 12 25 Slice and Dice View of Sales Figure 13 14 26 Star Schema Representation Facts and dimensions represented by physical tables in data warehouse DB Fact table related to each dimension table M 1 Fact and dimension tables related by foreign keys Subject to the primary foreign key constraints 27 Star Schema for Sales Figure 13 17 28 Performance Improving Techniques for Star Schema Normalization of dimensional tables Multiple fact tables representing different aggregation levels Denormalization of the fact tables Table partitioning and replication 29 Data Warehouse Implementation Road Map Figure 13 21 30 Data Mining Seeks to discover unknown data characteristics Automatically searches data for anomalies and relationships Data mining tools Analyze data Uncover problems or opportunities Form computer models based on findings Predict business behavior with models Require minimal end user intervention 31 Extraction of Knowledge from Data Figure 13 22 32 Data Mining Process Figure 13 23 33

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