MSU HNF 461 - Intro to Protein Nutrition

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HNF 461 1st Edition Lecture 26 Outline of Last Lecture I Eicosanoids a Prostaglandins b Thomboxanes c Leukotrienes II Lipoxins and Resolvins III PUFA and CVD IV PUFA and Brain Function V PUFA and Immunological Function VI PUFA and Pregnancy VII General Benefits of EPA and DHA Outline of Current Lecture I Functions II Maintaining Blood Pressure III Blood pH IV Structure a Primary b Secondary c Tertiary d Quaternary V Amino Acids a Essential Amino Acids Current Lecture Intro to Protein Nutrition 1 Functions a Enzymes These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Hormones ex PTH c Structural Proteins Ex muscle d Immunoproteins made by immune cells to fight off infections e Transport Proteins ex GLUT1 albumin carry substances across cell membrane and through the blood 2 Maintaining Blood Pressure a Decreased proteins in blood caused by protein deficient diet causes fluid to leak out of blood vessels which causes edema 3 Blood pH a Amino acids accept donate hydrogens to maintain pH 4 Structure a Primary linear arrangement of amino acids in a protein b Secondary areas of folding or coiling within a protein i Alpha helix ii Beta pleated sheets c Tertiary folding organization of secondary structures d Quaternary Binding of multiple peptide chains 5 Amino Acids H2N CH R COOH a Essential Amino Acids Not synthesized in the body must come through diet i Threonine histidine and lysine are absolutely essential

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MSU HNF 461 - Intro to Protein Nutrition

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