HNF 461 1st Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Last Lecture I Essential Fatty Acids II Overview of FA Synthesis III Synthesis of EPA and DHA IV Omega 6 n 6 and Omega 3 n 3 Competition V Composition of the Heart s Phospholipid Fatty Acids VI Essentiality of Long Chain n 6 and n 3 Fatty Acids VII Dietary Reference Intakes VIII Tissue Distribution IX General Benefits of EPA and DHA Outline of Current Lecture I Eicosanoids a Prostaglandins b Thomboxanes c Leukotrienes II Lipoxins and Resolvins III PUFA and CVD IV PUFA and Brain Function V PUFA and Immunological Function VI PUFA and Pregnancy Current Lecture Long Chain n 6 and n 3 Synthesis Cont and Function 1 Eicosanoids Synthesized from C20 fatty acids a Prostaglandins i COX enzyme forms cyclic structure ii AA Prostaglandin Even Series These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute iii Prostaglandin I2 inhibits aggregation of platelets b Thromboxanes i Prostaglandin Thromboxane If made initially from AA it is an even number series ii Thromboxane A2 promotes platelet aggregation high TXA2 is a risk factor for CVD c Leukotrienes i Lipoxygenase enzyme converts AA Leukotrienes even number series d If starting point of eicosanoid synthesis is AA then they are proinflammatory if the starting point is EPA DHA PUFA then they are anti inflammatory 2 Lipoxins and Resolvins a Anti inflammatory b Lipoxins inhibit actions of leukotrienes c Resolvins resolve inflammation E series produced from EPA D series produced from DHA d Synthesis is increased by low dose aspirin 3 PUFA and CVD a High dose of high intake of PUFA has not shown to be harmful in humans b Can reduce risk of CVD c 2 g day of PUFAs have shown no negative effects 4 PUFA and Brain Function a DHA accumulates in the brain and in the retina b PUFA intake has shown positive effects in brain function i Studies shown to prevent psychotic disorders 5 PUFA and Immunological Function a Studies in mice mice given corn oil or fish oil PUFA b Both groups lose weight at the same rate while sick c Mice on the corn oil will gain weight and recover at a faster rate than the mice given fish oil i Inflammation response helps kill virus and is less when taking PUFA 6 PUFA and Pregnancy a Before 30 weeks fetus doesn t accumulate fat quickly but after 30 weeks baby begins to accumulate fat at a fast rate b DHA accumulates in fat tissue brain and lean tissues organs c Pregnancy and lactation DHA recommendation at least 200 mg day i Vegetarians vegans could have a problem in transferring enough DHA for fetal development ii Creation of DHA from C18 n 3 PUFA question is if can be converted at a fast enough rate
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