ISU AECL 365 - A_ECL_365_Palacios_jslavik_Nervous_system

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10 14 SI A ECL 365 1 What are the functions of the nervous system 2 The CNS and PNS are the two major subdivisions of the nervous system 3 What are is the main portion s of the CNS PNS 4 is the basic cellular unit in the nervous system 5 and are the two different kinds of processes Describe each 6 Name the 3 classes of neurons and describe them 7 Which neuron class corresponds to each of the following Motor Sensory 8 True False All classes of neurons are within the central nervous system 9 What cells covers the axon 10 What structure along the axon allow a signal to be passed along the axon so quickly 11 True False Usually all nerves fire at once but sometimes only a selected group fire 12 What are the characteristics of a nerve impulse 13 Describe the resting state of a nerve cell 14 Describe the conduction of an Action potential which is also called a 15 During the depolarization stage the inside of the cell becomes and during the repolarization stage 16 Small axons conduct because resistance to current flow is high and axons with quick responses are 17 In what other way do vertebrates increase conduction speed in an axon This increases conduction 18 Name and describe the two types of nerve synapses 19 Describe synaptic transmission in a chemical synapse 20 In vertebrates and invertebrates the nervous system displays a in complexity from nerve net to linear to which includes a brain and spinal column 21 Vertebrates display of axons which connect the spinal cord and brain Unlike most invertebrates vertebrates have a nervous system The changed little over vertebrate evolution 22 There is an increase in and of brains when comparing birds and mammals to earlier lineages 23 Larger animals tend to have brains in proportion to body size 24 Birds have enlarged lobes but reduced portions of the brain 25 True False Efferent and afferent neurons are sometimes bundled in the same nerve 26 Describe the peripheral nervous system 27 The nervous system includes skeletal muscle while the nervous system includes muscles and glands 28 The parasympathetic system increases decreases heart rate while the sympathetic system increases decreases heart rate circle the correct answer

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ISU AECL 365 - A_ECL_365_Palacios_jslavik_Nervous_system

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