WFSC 403 6th Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Remaining details a Chapter 11 II Predation responses to change in predator density a Switching b Optimal foraging theory i Chapter 3 page 36 III Evolution of predator prey systems a Prelude to Disease chapter b Predators take the weak Outline of Current Lecture I Chapter 13 Disease and Parasitism a Not on Wednesday test II Basic concepts and definitions a Link to predation and competition III Math modeling of host disease interactions IV E C S P H C 2C a Trophic food chain Current Lecture Trophic food chain Plant Herbivore Carnivore 2C is top carnivore Intra specific competition occurs on same trophic level These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Food web is different trophic levels Link to predator and competition o Direct and indirect affect of competition What was an indirect affect Apparent competition Maybe the won t sharing resources but being preyed upon by common predator o Switching Correlated isn t cause and effect o Interspecific comp predation throw disease in the mix Didn t think about disease before Key concepts and terms o Disease o Parasitism o Virulence How lethal the pathogen is Ability of organism to cause disease o T F Parasites always kill their host False o Sub lethal effects affects behavior in adverse way Fever Sub lethal effect on population dynamics Could effect reproductive rates o Microparasites little guys that cause disease Single cell detrimental to host that is in Pathogen can cause disease Reproduces in host o Macroparasites Multi cellular tapeworm tick Feeds on host at expense of host may kill host may not Lays eggs in host Red Queen Hypothesis o Run and run but never get anywhere o Predator gets more efficient at catching prey prey gets better at not being caught Also known as arms race o Coevolution SIR o Susceptible o Infected o Recover o May recover may die may be immune for life may lose immunity
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