MSU HNF 461 - Genetics and CVD

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HNF 461 1st Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture I Cholesterol Homeostasis II Blood Lipids and Cardiovascular Disease CVD III Formation of Plaque IV Desirable Blood Cholesterol Levels V Obesity and CVD VI Exercise and CVD VII Dietary Fatty Acids and Carbohydrates VIII Dietary Cholesterol IX Dietary n 6 n 3 Fatty Acid Ratio X MyPlate XI Dietary Guidance XII Specific Dietary Recommendations Outline of Current Lecture I Lipoprotein A Lp a II Apolipoprotein E a Apo E2 b Apo E3 c Apo E4 III LDL Receptor IV Particle Size Current Lecture Genetics and CVD 1 Lipoprotein A Lp a a Complex between lipids and Apo A These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Apolipoprotein A resembles the structure of LDL so the two have similar functions Lp a is a predictor for CVD c Atherogenic competes with plasminogen prevents activation of plasmin so fibrin cannot be broken down promotes the formation of fatty plaques in the arteries d High dose of nictonic acid may reduce Lp a but more research is needed 2 Apolipoprotein E binds to chylomicron VLDL remnants important for liver recognition a Apo E2 increases risk of hypercholesterolemia hyperlipoproteinemia liver cannot clear out remnants as easily as those particles with Apo E3 b Apo E3 the most common lowest risk of CVD c Apo E4 increases risk of CVD and Alzheimer s Disease 3 LDL Receptor a LDL receptors are responsible for removing LDL particles from the blood and transferring them to the liver b LDL receptor deficiency familial hypercholesterolemia accumulation of macrophages short life expectancy 4 Particle Size a Small LDL and small HDL particle size increase the risk of atherosclerosis i Influenced also by diet ex high carb diet liver produces more lipids that will be packed into VLDL particles larger VLDL particles 1 Bigger VLDL particles lead to smaller LDL particles

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MSU HNF 461 - Genetics and CVD

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