Stanford CS 347 - Study Notes

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Stanford University Computer Science Department CS347 Spring 2001 Mid term Total of 30 points This exam is open book open notes You have 70 minutes Print your name The Honor Code is an undertaking of the students individually and collectively 1 that they will not give or receive aid in examinations that they will not give or receive unpermitted aid in class work in the preparation of reports or in any other work that is to be used by the instructor as the basis of grading 2 that they will do their share and take an active part in seeing to it that others as well as themselves uphold the spirit and letter of the Honor Code The faculty on its part manifests its confidence in the honor of its students by refraining from proctoring examinations and from taking unusual and unreasonable precautions to prevent the forms of dishonesty mentioned above The faculty will also avoid as far as practicable academic procedures that create temptations to violate the Honor Code While the faculty alone has the right and obligation to set academic requirements the students and faculty will work together to establish optimal conditions for honorable academic work I acknowledge and accept the Honor Code Signed Problem Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Maximum 4 5 5 5 6 5 Question 1 4 points Shown below is a portion of the positional index in the format term doc1 position1 position2 doc2 position1 position2 etc angels fools fear in rush to tread where 2 36 174 252 651 2 1 17 74 222 2 87 704 722 901 2 3 37 76 444 851 2 2 66 194 321 702 2 47 86 234 999 2 57 94 333 2 67 124 393 1001 4 12 22 102 432 4 8 78 108 458 4 13 43 113 433 4 10 20 110 470 500 4 9 69 149 429 569 4 14 24 774 944 4 15 35 155 4 11 41 101 421 431 7 17 7 3 13 23 193 7 18 328 528 7 5 15 25 195 7 4 14 404 7 199 319 599 709 7 20 320 7 16 36 736 Which document s if any meet each of the following queries where each expression within quotes is a phrase query i fools rush in ii fools rush in AND angels fear to tread Question 2 1 1 3 points i How many postings entries are generated in the bigram index for the following text underlined portion only Far from the madding crowds ignoble strife ii For this bigram index how would the wild card query madd ing be expressed as an AND query iii Consider a corpus with 10 million documents with an average of 1000 words each The average word length across the corpus is 4 characters not counting spaces or punctuation Estimate the number of trigram occurrences for this corpus Question 3 5 points Recall the estimate of the total size of the postings entries 45Mbytes using codes from Lecture 1 using Zipf s law Using the same parameters 1 million documents 500 000 terms re compute this estimate if we were to omit from indexing the 1 of the most frequently occurring terms Question 4 5 points Mark each of the following assertions as True or False Assertion i The optimal order for query processing in an AND query is always realized by starting with the term occurring in the fewest documents ii The code for 17 is 111000001 iii iv v The base of the logarithm used in the tf idf formula makes no difference to the cosine distance between two documents provided they both use the same base If we were to take a document and double its length by repeating every occurrence of every word then the normalized tf idf values for all terms in this document remain unchanged The optimal order for query processing in an AND query is always realized by starting with the term occurring in the fewest documents T F Question 5 6 points i Consider the following postings list augmented with skip pointers at a uniform skip size of 4 3 5 9 15 24 39 60 68 75 81 84 89 92 96 97 100 115 The entries in the list are NOT gap encoded they directly represent document IDs At some stage in processing an AND query we need to merge the entries in this postings list with the entries in the candidate list 3 5 89 95 97 99 100 101 We define the following four operations Compare A B compare entry A in postings list with entry B in the candidate list Output X output value X as a result of the merge process LookAheadTo X peek ahead to take a look at the target X of a skip pointer SkipTo X follow a skip pointer to reach entry X a In performing this merge list the instances of Output LookAheadTo and SkipTo operations in the order in which they would be executed Note Do not list instances of Compare b How many Compare operations would be executed Note Do not list the actual instances ii Suppose we wish to gap encode postings list containing skip pointers One approach is to store all entries in the list as gaps except for targets of the skip pointers which will be stored as absolute values For example in the postings list of Part i 24 75 92 and 115 will be stored as is whereas the remaining entries will be gap encoded yielding 3 2 4 6 24 15 21 4 1 3 115 Suppose 7 8 9 39 28 60 130 70 10 215 represents a gap encoded postings list with skip pointers at skip size 3 What will be the result of merging this postings list with the candidate list 9 24 127 135 210 Question 6 5 points i Represent the following simplified graph of the web as a Markov chain by providing the corresponding transition probability matrix Assume teleportation to a random page including the start page occurs with 50 probability 0 1 2 ii Using the initial probability vector 0 1 0 carry forward the Markov chain 1 time step I e give the probability vector for time t 1

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Stanford CS 347 - Study Notes

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