ISU AECL 365 - A_ECL_365_Palacios_jslavik_Reproduction_Answers

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10 6 SI A ECL 365 1 What type of reproduction do most vertebrates exhibit a Sexual reproduction and a few parthenogenesis 2 What is parthenogenesis a Virgin birth asexual repro where ovum develops into new individuals without fertilization b Found in some fish e g Trinidad guppies some lizards e g whiptail lizards a snake from SE Asia and occasionally in turkeys and Komodo dragons 3 What is the goal of reproduction a Produce another generation 4 What is hermaphoditism a Individual has both sets of sex organs Simultaneously male and female 5 True False Hermaphrodites can be sequential or simultaneous a True 6 True False Generally hermaphrodites self fertilize a False usually do not 7 is when an individual is born one sex and then switches to another In this type of hermaphroditism when an individual is male first it is called When the individual is female first it is a Sequential protandry protogyny 8 is when both sets of sex organs are present but do not function at the same time a Simultaneous 9 For some species sex is partially or completely determined by influences and may display while many especially mammals and birds display determination a Environmental Temperature dependent sex determination genetic sex 10 Describe the homogametic and heterogametic sexes a Homogametic same set of sex chromosomes mammals female heterogametic diff types sex chromomsomes Mammals male 11 is where temperature determines the sex of offspring This is common in alligators turtles and fish a Temperature dependent sex determination TSD 12 In mammals these are females and have identical sets of sex chromosomes a Homogametic 13 species produce many offspring with low survival rate Can be found in fish and some amphibians a R selected 14 species produce few offspring with a high survival rate Generally found in lived species such as primates whales seabirds a K selected long lived 15 Most vertebrates have fertilization a Internal 16 In fertilization ova and sperm combine outside the female s body a External 17 What are adaptations to increase the number of ova fertilized a large number of gametes especially in ova b behaviors to bring sexes in close contact i e amplexus c synchronized gamete release 18 Name the copulatory structures mentioned in class a Penis hemipenis cloacal protuberance claspers modified pelvic fin in sharks and rays 19 When few ova are released they are released at a time When many are released there is often offspring mortality a One at a time high 20 Generally species with few offspring display parental care while species with many offspring provide parental care a Much parental care little 21 How much do each of the following display in terms of parental care a b c d Mammals high Birds high Some snakes high incubate eggs Fish low 22 What does oviparous mean a Embryo develops in structures outside of the female body b Egg contains all the nutrients to nourish embryo c Common in fish amphibians some reptiles all birds few mammals monotremes 23 What does viviparous mean a Embryo retained inside female s body pregnancy b Female provides nourishment through placenta c Offspring said to be born alive d All mammals except monotremes some amphibians 24 What does Ovoviviparous mean a Female produce egg but retains within repro tract b Female doesn t provide further nourishment c Egg hatches inside female young exit body alive d Found in some snakes 25 The three types of pair bonding are Describe each a monogamy polygamy promiscuity b Monogamy i 1 male 1 female pair bond at least through breeding season ii Can last for life in some species iii Historically assumed to be primary pair bond type previously assumed 94 birds iv Actually uncommon except in birds and even in pairs extra bond progeny are common c Polygamy i Multiple pair bonds formed at one time or sequentially ii Polyandry 1 female many 1 Very rare in vertebrates 2 Very rare in mammals because males not equipped for nursing 3 No mammary glands iii Polygyny 1 male many females 1 Much more common in vertebrates 2 examples in all groups d Promiscuity i No real pair bonds formed multiple partners ii Come together only to shed gametes iii Many fish reptiles mammals iv May actually be most common pattern in vertebrates especially where sperm storage competition occurs v Adaptations to increase success Sperm storage 26 True False Monogamy is common in mammals a False more common in birds 27 are when there is 1 female with many males and is in vertebrates a Polyandry rare 28 is when there is 1 male with many females and is in vertebrates a Polygyny common 29 In no real pair bonds are formed a Promiscuity 30 True False Promiscuity is most likely the most common pattern in vertebrates a True 31 True False Most vertebrates do not have a distinct breeding season a False most have a distinct breeding season 32 True False Natural selection determines when breeding season occurs a True 33 Name 3 proximate factors affecting breeding season a Photoperiod daylight 24 period b Temperature especially water c Tidal cycles d Rainfall when sunlight doesn t vary monsoon sets of repro 34 Name 2 ultimate factors affecting breeding season a Food availability when offspring born b Availability of nesting breeding sites c Climate 35 In fish there is a great deal of especially in color forehead crests and hooked jaws etc a Sexual dimorphism 36 Describe reproduction in fish as discussed in class a Much sexual dimorphism color forehead crests hooked jaws etc b Chondricthyes most have internal fertilization c Osteichthyes most have external fertilization d Some have elaborate courtship dance that identifies mate and leads them through nest where eggs then sperm deposited i Fyi not in lecture notes Sneaky males look like females and coerce external fertilization w o nest building etc 37 Describe amphibian reproduction as discussed in class a Sexually dimorphic characters develop during breeding season mental glands nuptial crests etc b Varied forms eggs deposited in water where larvae develop eggs deposited on land larvae develop in water eggs and young terrestrial c Anurans most external fertilization male grasps female amplexus to stimulate egg expulsion coordinates sperm release d Caecilians internal fertilization males have phallodeum most are viviparous e Salamanders most internal fertilization via spermatophore packet of sperm elaborate courtship dance leads female to spermatophore 38 Describe reptilian reproduction as discussed in class a Amniotic egg

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ISU AECL 365 - A_ECL_365_Palacios_jslavik_Reproduction_Answers

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