TAMU COMM 335 - intercultural transition
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Semiotics and nonverbal communication II Cultural spaces III Cultural identity and space IV Changing cultural spaces Outline of Current Lecture I Migrant II Culture shock III Stages of culture shock IV Reserve culture shock V Migrant host relationships VI Acculturation cultural adaptation VII Factors influencing acculturation VIII Acculturation models Current Lecture I Migrant individual who leaves the primary cultural context in which s he was raised and moves to a new cultural context for an extended period a Types of migrant groups II Voluntary sojourners expatriates Involuntary short term refugees and long term refugees Culture shock relatively short term feeling of disorientation of discomfort due to unfamiliarity of surroundings and lack of familiar environmental cues These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III Stages of culture shock a Honeymoon euphoria b Disintegration irritation and hostility c Reintegration increased coping ability d Gradual adjustment toward autonomy seeing good and bad e Reciprocal interdependence biculturalism IV Reserve culture shock home culture is compared adversely to the admired aspects of new culture V Migrant host relationships a Assimilation cultural adaptation in which individual gives up his her own cultural heritage and adopts mainstream cultural identity b Separation intercultural adaptation in which an individual retains his her original culture while interacting minimally with other groups Separation may be voluntary or initiated and enforced by dominant society leading to segregation c Integration cultural adaptation in which individual maintains both his her original culture and daily interactions with other groups d Marginalization cultural adaptation in which individual expresses little interest in maintaining cultural ties with either dominant or migrant culture VI Acculturation cultural adaptation 1 Process by which individual acquires the culture of a particular society from infancy 2 Cultural modification of individual group or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture VII Factors influencing acculturation a Context homogeneity similarity status power class b Personal characteristics age and experiences c Technology effects media and transportation VIII Acculturation models a Anxiety and uncertainty management model Gudykunst 1995 1998 uncertainty reduction through info seeking b U Curve model Lysgaard 1995 excitement to culture shock to adaptation c Transition model Bennett 1998 fight or flight approach d Communication system model Kim 2001 stress to adjustment to growth Using communication to question taken for granted make sense of new patterns understanding new information IX Acculturation outcomes a Psychological health b Functional fitness c Intercultural identity identity based on two or more cultural frames of reference

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TAMU COMM 335 - intercultural transition

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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